Posts in Hockey Shooting

Dynamic Anti-Rotation Core Exercise

A more dynamic version of the “Belly Press IsoHold” is a normal “Belly Press IsoHold with Perturbation”.  You can also make this exercise more challenging by repeatedly bringing your hands into your sternum than straightening them back out.   A great exercise for “Phase 2” of our Rotational Core Power Training progression for hockey players, baseball […]

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Anti-Rotation Core Exercise

This exercise is called the “Belly Press IsoHold” or “Pallof Press IsoHold”, depending on whether or not John Pallof (the PT from Eastern Mass that developed this exercise) is in the room! This is a great exercise for “Phase 1” of our Rotational Core Power Training progression for hockey players, baseball players, and golfers. [quicktime][/quicktime] […]

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Rotational Power Training

As our hockey guys have left for their respective teams, I’ve spent more time at Endeavor Fitness developing our Baseball and Golf training programs.  As I’ve worked on these things, I’ve noticed that baseball and golf training has one major similarity to ice hockey training: the need for a significant amount of rotational core power […]

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