Core Strength Variations

Core strength is an essential physical quality from both performance and durability perspectives. Learning to generate stiffness through the torso can help athletes transfer energy from the lower to upper body, deliver/absorb contract, and prevent undesirable motion of the hips, spine, and rib cage.

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The Slideboard Bodysaw is an advanced “anti-extension” progression to a front plank that emphasizes generating stiffness through the core to prevent the hips from falling down or into anterior tilt.

The goal here is to actively push the chest away from the ground and keep the hips level and square to the ground while pushing the body backward. The further back you push, the harder it is.

Typically performed for 3 sets of 8-12 reps or 3-6x5s holds.

The Slideboard Jigsaw is a variation of the Bodysaw that adds a component of lateral flexion/rotation control. The coaching cues are the same (i.e. push the chest away and keep the hips level).

Typically performed for 3 sets of 6-10 reps/side.

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To your success,

Kevin Neeld

P.S. If you’re interested in year-round comprehensive hockey-specific training programs for players at different ages, check out Ultimate Hockey Transformation.

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