Best of 2013: Products/Resources

This is the 3rd and final segment in the Best of 2013 series. If you missed the first two pieces, you can check them out here:

  1. Best of 2013: Articles
  2. Best of 2013: Exercise Videos

Today we’ll wrap up with the top new products and resources for those of you looking for new training programs to follow and/or the best new strength and conditioning information.

Top Resources of 2013
These are the top products/resources and associated content/interviews from 2013 in no particular order!

The Bulletproof Athlete Project from Mike Robertson

  1. The Bulletproof Athlete Project with Mike Robertson (Exclusive Interview)
  2. The Bulletproof Athlete Project: An Inside Look

Mike Robertson's Bulletproof Athlete Project-2

Complete Olympic Lifting from Wil Fleming

  1. Should You Olympic Lift? (Exclusive Interview)
  2. Complete Olympic Lifting

Complete Olympic Lifting

High Performance Handbook from Eric Cressey

  1. Customize Your Training Program
  2. Individualization: How Results Go from Good to Outstanding from Eric Cressey

The High Performance Handbook

The Supplement Goals Reference Guide from

  1. Interview with Founder Sol Orwell
  2. The Truth About BCAAs: Do You Really Need Them?
  3. The Best Supplement Resource Ever

Supplement Goals Reference Guide
Ultimate Hockey Training Video Database

  1. Ultimate Hockey Training Video Database

Ultimate Hockey Training-Membership Card Insider Small

Optimizing Movement

  1. Optimizing Movement is Here!
  2. Optimizing Movement Q&A
  3. Optimal Movement; Structural Adaptations Are Not Just A Hockey Problem
  4. Optimal Movement: The Truth About Corrective Exercise
  5. Optimal Movement: Individualizing Exercise In A Group Setting
  6. Optimal Movement: Dissecting The System

Optimizing Movement DVD Package

To your success,

Kevin Neeld

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