Training to Shed Fat: Week 2 Results

Another week down.  Here’s a copy of my training program.  As always, feel free to send any questions my way at

Jan 12, 2009
A1) Hang Clean: 135 x 5; 175 x 1; 185 x 1; 195 x 1
A2) Med. Handle Low-Pulley Row: 140 x 5; 210 x 3 sets of 2
B1) Deadlift: 225 x 5; 315 x 3; 405 x 1; 455 x 1; 425 x 3 sets of 1; 405 x 1
B2) 1-Leg Glute Bridge Hold: 3 x 15s each
C1) Back Leg Raised Split Squat Iso-Hold: 2 x 40 DB 3 x 30s each
C2) Glute Ham Raise: 3 x 12

Jan 13, 2009
A1) Bench Press from pins just above chest height: 135 x 8; 185 x 5; 225 x 4; 235 x 4; 235 x 4; 225 x 4
A2) Scap Wall Slides (Facing Wall): 4 x 10
B1) Chin-Up: BW x 3; BW+55 x 3; BW+65 x 3 sets of 3; BW+55 x 3
B2) Incline DB Triceps Extension-to-Close Grip Press: 2 x 40 DB x 5 sets of 6
C1) Standing Pallof Iso-Hold from High Pulley w/ Rope: 50 lbs x 3 x 30s each
C2) Face Pull w/ External Rotation: 100 lbs x 3 x 12 

Jan 15, 2009
A1) Back Squat: 135 x 5; 225 x 4; 275 x 4 sets of 8
A2) Front Plank: 3 x 60s
B1) DB Reverse Lunge: Alternating: 4 x 6 each 2 x 65 DB
B2) DB Swing: 4 x 10 20lb DB
B3) SB Hamstring Curl: 4 x 12
B4) 1-Leg Squat: 4 x 8 each

Jan 16, 2009
A1) Push-Press: 105 x 4; 125 x 4; 135 x 4 sets of 4
A2) Blackburn Hold (I, Y, T): 1 x 30s each
B1) 1-Arm DB Row: 75lb DB, 1 x 8, 2 x 10
B2) Standing Cable Chop: 50lbs 3 x 10 each
B3) Stability Ball Push-Up: 3 x 12
B4) DB Hang Clean-to-Curl Eccentric: 2 x 35 DB 2 x 10; 2 x 30 DB 1 x 10
B5) Bird Dog: 3 x 8 each

I have to say…after two weeks of decreasing my caloric intake to around half of what I’m used to, the thing I’m looking forward to the most is my “re-feed day” coming up on Monday.  Don’t leave any food out that day, I’ll be eating everything in sight!

What most people don’t realize is that calorie restriction works…but only for a limited time.  If you stay on a very low calorie diet for a long time, your body adjusts and becomes better at storing the limited energy you provide it.  

The take home? If you’re training hard and limiting your calories, try two things:

  1.  Monitor the quality of your calories.  In other words, make sure you’re consuming high quality protein and fats regularly throughout the day and that ALL of your carbohydrates are in the form of fruits and vegetables.  The exception to this could be oatmeal or whole grain bread, if you eat it within an hour of your training.
  2. Keeping the quality of your calories in mind, increase your total caloric intake back to a normal level.  What’s normal?  Your BW (lbs) x 15-20 is a good place to start.  For example, I’m around 170 lbs right now.  170 x 15 = 2550.  170 x 20 = 3400.  So my range would be 2,550-3400.  I realize that’s a pretty big range.  Where you’d want to fall in that range depends on your activity level.  If you’re highly active and train at a high intensity, you can probably get away with the higher end.  If you train at a lower intensity and only a few times a week, stay toward the lower end.

You may put on a couple pounds when you return to a higher caloric intake, but don’t be discouraged.  Your metabolism will soon stabilize, and you’ll start dropping weight again.  

Alright, I’m off to go watch the Eagles game!  Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

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