FREE Info From The Best In The Sports Performance Industry

I’m not quick to recommend a resource to anyone, but Joe Heiler from has put together a great line-up for this teleseminar.  

Check out the line-up!

  1. Gray Cook MSPT, OCS, CSCS
  2. Kyle Kiesel, PT, PhD, ATC, CSCS
  3. Michael Boyle MA, ATC
  4. Charlie Weingroff MSPT, ATC, CSCS
  5. Dr. Stuart M. McGill PhD
  6. Phil Plisky, PT, DSc, OCS, ATC, CSCS
  7. Brett Jones MS, CSCS
  8. Eric Cressey MA, CSCS

Click Here for More Information

I can’t wait.  I would have gladly paid whatever Joe asked for to hear those guys speak, but that’s the best part.  It’s FREE!  

The only reason I can think of to NOT tune in is because none of those names ring a bell for you.  If that’s the case, that’s a tragedy, and all the more reason why you MUST “attend” this teleseminar.  

I GUARANTEE you come away with something that will allow you to better train yourself or your athletes.  

But, as always, I could be crazy.  The choice is yours!

Click Here for More Information

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