Training Around Hip Pain for Hockey

Hip pain is exceedingly common in hockey players.

Due to the repetitive nature of the skating motion, every player – even the “healthy” ones – flirts with some sort of overuse or under-recovery of their hip musculature over the course of a season.

Click here to read: How To Train Around Hip Pain for Hockey

Travis Pollen and I recently wrote an article for Dean Somerset’s site that discusses:

  • Several of the most common contributors to hip pain
  • How unique hip structure changes will influence your movement
  • A simple screen to assess your hip range of motion in a pattern relevant to skating and off-ice training
  • Specific exercises to maximize training progress while minimizing the risk of exacerbating hip pain

Click here to read: How To Train Around Hip Pain for Hockey

As a friendly reminder, our new book Speed Training for Hockey is available at a 39% discount until this Sunday (5/26) at midnight EST. If you’re interested in learning the most effective speed training methods for hockey players and getting access to age-specific off-season training programs, this is a perfect resource for you.

Grab your copy here: Speed Training for Hockey

To your success,

Kevin Neeld

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