This Month in Hockey Strength and Conditioning

Back on track this week with a wrap-up of this week’s (and the three preceding week’s since I’ve been slacking) activity in the world of hockey strength and conditioning. Over the last several weeks, I’ve added several articles on topics ranging from strength and conditioning internships to specific hockey training techniques to maximize performance and minimize injury risk. Check out what you’ve been missing at the links below.

  1. Strength and Conditioning Internships
  2. The Myth of Wrist Strength in Hockey
  3. Managing Structural and Functional Asymmetries: Part 1
  4. Managing Structural and Functional Asymmetries: Part 2
  5. Improving Athletic Performance Beyond Peak Strength: Part 1
  6. Improving Athletic Performance Beyond Peak Strength: Part 2
  7. Off-Season Hockey Training Program
  8. Men’s Fitness: Hockey Training Feature
  9. What It Means To Be A “Boyle Guy”

We’ve also added a TON of great content over at Hockey Strength and Conditioning. I HIGHLY encourage you to read through all of these pieces as I think there is an awesome combination of quality information, great training programs, and unique exercises that will apply to players at multiple levels. We’ve also had a few terrific contributions from a few guys I hold in a very high regard in Anthony Donskov, Jim Snider, and Kyle Bangen. Check out the links below.


  1. Debit Card Strength and Conditioning: In-Season Account Withdrawls from Anthony Donskov
  2. Essential Components of a Strength Training Program from Darryl Nelson
  3. Pro’s vs. Joe’s from Jim Snider
  4. Triple Flexion Training Considerations in Hockey from Kyle Bangen


  1. Spring Training 4-Day Per Week from Darryl Nelson
  2. Summer 2012 GPP Phase 1 from Mike Potenza
  3. 2012 5-Day Off-Season Hockey Training Program: Phase 1 from me
  4. Off-Season 2012 Phase 2 Strength Training from Sean Skahan


  1. Side Lying 1-Leg Hip Extension from Sean Skahan
  2. 2 Arm DB Snatch from Darryl Nelson
  3. Phase 1 Sprinting Variations from me
  4. Hip Extension Holds from Mike Potenza

That’s a wrap for today. As always, if you aren’t a member yet, I encourage you to try out Hockey Strength and Conditioning for a week. It’ll only cost $1, and if it’s not the best buck you’ve ever spent, I’ll personally refund you!

To your success,

Kevin Neeld

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