The Most Valuable Lesson I’ve Ever Learned

It’s good to be home and settled again. I got back to Philadelphia from my trip out to Postural Restoration Institute‘s Advanced Integration course in Lincoln on Sunday at midnight. Lincoln’s airport was an interesting experience. It was one of those places where they had one cab driver on call for the entire city…who also doubled as airport security, flight attendant and pilot.

“And now the moment you’ve all been waiting for. At six foot five a solid meaty 215 pounds… your pregame announcer, your owner, your coach… your pop-singing sensation, but most importantly… your power forward… yours truly, Jackie Moon!”

The course itself was a great experience, and one that I’ll inevitably be referencing frequently in the near future. Not only was the information powerful, but as the only strength coach in a room of 55, speaking with the other attendees was equally as insightful as the course itself. It’s these educational and networking experiences that I rely on for continuing to improve as a professional in the field. Regarding PRI specifically, information from their courses provides the explanation for the staggering proportion of the general population that suffers from femoroacetabular impingement (see: An Updated Look at FAI), and is a major reason why I’m able to successfully work with current and former athletes that suffer from a myriad of hip injuries successfully.

As highly as I speak of PRI (and deservedly so), they are certainly not the only educational resource that I rely on. Since June, I’ve attended/completed 10 different seminars/courses to help broaden and deepen my understanding of material from Functional Movement Systems, USA Weightlifting, USA Hockey, and people like Joe Dowdell and Mike Roussell (among others). I also have a formidable stack of research on energy systems, heart rate variability, and GPS tracking that I’ve worked my way through in the last month. I say all that, not to boast, but simply to put things in perspective. If you want to be good at anything, it’s going to take two things:

  1. Focused, consistent work/practice
  2. Time

I consider myself very fortunate to have learned these lessons early from people like Mike Boyle and Eric Cressey. In my experience, the people that struggle in the fitness profession are those that, at some point, assume their educational journey is over and shut it down. This same thing can be said of almost every profession AND can be applied to athletes. There is always something or someone out there that can help you, and it’s wise to proactively seek these resources out.

Unfortunately, I’m not much of a business man. I’m not passionate about business; I’m passionate about athletic development and hockey training. That said, educating myself on contemporary marketing strategies is a “necessary evil” so to speak, as it doesn’t matter how much I, or the rest of the Endeavor staff, knows about training if no one knows we exist. With that in mind, I’m conscious of spending some (as little as possible) of my continuing education time on business-related materials. Over the last several years, the single best business resource I’ve come across is the Fitness Business Blueprint from Pat Rigsby, Eric Cressey and Mike Robertson.

I continue to refer back to my notes from their videos, and have used their information to reshape all of the internal and external business systems within Endeavor. Unlike many business resources, it’s not based on theory, it’s based on implementable steps and action plans, which makes things easier for the not-so-business savvy people like me. The GOOD thing about business resources is that if you apply the information correctly, the investment pays itself off many times over. The GREAT thing about this particular resource, which usually runs for $299, is that they’re offering a $1 30-day trial, at which point you’ll still receive a $100 discount off the package price and can divide the payments up across two months. Simply, you save $100 AND you get to try it for 30 days for a $1 before you make any commitment. If you’re an action taker, you’ll have made enough money to pay for the package by the end of your 30-day trial! Click here for more information: Fitness Business Blueprint

Remember that the path towards excellence in any area is an ongoing journey. Too many people quit right before their big break. Keep moving forward; it will be worth it in the end!

To your success,

Kevin Neeld

P.S. As with many great opportunities, the $1 trial for Fitness Business Blueprint will only be available for the next 72 hours so take action now and click here for more information on how you can get your hands on the best fitness business resource out there: Fitness Business Blueprint!

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