Creating environments for an athlete to “self-organize” (e.g. try, fail, recognize failure, try a different way…) can be a powerful motor learning strategy.

Particularly in group settings, having strategies that allow the coach to teach without speaking frees up the coach to work with individuals/exercises that require a more hands on approach.

This is an example of one “passive coaching” strategy. The plate is not intended to load the movement; it’s meant to provide feedback to the athlete on how they’re controlling their hips/torso through the movement.

As the athlete gets better, you can UNLOAD or completely remove the weight to allow them to perform the movement WITHOUT an external cue.

Feel free to post any other comments/questions you have below. If you found this helpful, please share/re-post it so others can benefit.

To your success,

Kevin Neeld

P.S. For more information on in- and off-season program design, training and reconditioning for injured players, and integrating sports science into a comprehensive training process, check out Optimizing Adaptation & Performance

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