Superior Nutrition for Superior Performance

I hope everyone on the East Coast is surviving the initial pushes from Hurricane Sandy. I’m supposed to drive up to NY tomorrow to work at a camp with the US Women’s Team so I’m keeping my fingers crossed that the rain will ease up enough for my ’99 4-door family sedan to make the trek.

A couple weeks ago I posted a short video interview with myself and Cassandra Forsythe highlighting the training, performance, and body composition benefits of a new sports drink from Generation UCAN. If you missed it, you can check it out here: Optimizing Performance

The next week my friend Dave Mayo forwarded me an awesome webinar from Peter Attia, M.D. that outlines performance-related nutrition and how to go about optimizing it. This is a fairly long video, but it’s well worth the watch, as Dr. Attia does a great job of making relatively complex issues easily understandable. Check out the video below:

Superior Nutrition for Superior Performance

Don’t forget, you can save 10% on all UCAN products by using the code “competehard”.

To your success,

Kevin Neeld

P.S. Hockey-specific nutrition snacks, shakes, meals, and plans! Ultimate Hockey Nutrition

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