Special 4th of July Sale

What a stretch. With Endeavor closed today for the 4th of July, this is the first time I’ve had to sit down to write in about 2 months.

Over that time, I flew to Colorado Springs to help with the US Women’s National Team Camp, then straight to Provo, UT for an on-site learning week as part of the doctorate degree I started the month before, home/Endeavor for a week (literally drove from the airport straight into work), then back to Colorado Springs to speak at the NSCA Training for Hockey Clinic, then straight to San Antonio to lab assist a PRI course for the NHL ATCs, then caught up on work for a few days before speaking at the first ever NHL Strength and Conditioning Coaches Conference in San Antonio.

Paddle Boarding

Quick paddle boarding break in Utah. I was fortunate the camera wasn’t out when I belly flopped onto the board 3 seconds after standing up for the first time!

It’s been a busy stretch, but very educational and a lot of fun.

Today’s post is going to be short and sweet. Almost two years ago, a kid, we’ll call him Jack…because that’s his real name, that I had trained while he played in the OHL decided he wanted to hang up the skates and pursue another passion of is: becoming a Navy SEAL. This type of training was an adjustment for both of us, as the focus transitions from speed, power and repeat sprint ability, to a much heavier endurance emphasis to develop the capacity and durability to sustain bootcamp and BUDs (“tryouts” for the Navy and SEALS, respectively).

Jack absolutely CRUSHED about two years of training programs, each phase of which was moderately more unpleasant than the one before. And after a long process of submitting paperwork and repeatedly testing, he’s finally shipping out to bootcamp next week. I couldn’t be more proud of how hard he’s worked and am excited to watch him embrace the grind as he attempts to join one of our country’s most elite units.

In recognition of Jack and in celebration of America’s birthday, I’m running a special one-week sale (ends Friday, 7/10) on three of my products, all of which are around 50% off. If you’re interested, click the links below to grab your copy:

  1. Ultimate Hockey Training ($35.95 $19.95)
  2. Ultimate Hockey Transformation (Pro: $147 $77 Elite: $117 $57)
  3. Optimizing Movement ($97 $47)

As always, I appreciate your continued support. Happy 4th of July!

To your success,

Kevin Neeld

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