Reactive Core Training-Exercise 2


Are you noticing a theme here?  These are all the same exercises I’ve shown you before, but with a more advanced external sensory stimulus added.  The greater the challenge to stability, the more carryover to athletics.  I love these exercises for a couple reasons, but mostly because they are so simple to progress.  

  1. Start with the Pallof Press Iso-Hold (holding in the extended position).  
  2. Progress to Pallof Press for reps (extend your arms, then bring them back to your chest, then extend, etc.)
  3. Progress to Pallof Press Iso-Hold with perturbation
  4. Progress to Pallof Press with perturbation

Simple.  Effective.

NOTE: It is not necessary to have Tony Gentilcore in a tight T-shirt to perform these exercises.  Any partner will do.

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