Premier Hockey Training Program

I hope you enjoyed your weekend. A lot of the players we train were in Districts so I went out to watch a few games with David and Matt on Saturday. It was great to get out of the house (and Endeavor) for a few hours to watch the kids play.

Last week I mentioned that I had an important announcement for you today. This is something I’m really excited about because I know it will have a HUGE impact on a few select hockey players’ performance and careers.

Click here to check it out >> Premier Hockey Training Program

I’ve done this in the past with a few players, but have never advertised it publicly because I never had the time to work with more than one or two players. The player’s I’ve worked with in the past have raved about their experience, which brought me to the conclusion that I need to MAKE time to offer this to more players. Enrollment is still limited though, so don’t put this off. Go to the link below and watch the video now.

Click here to check it out >> Premier Hockey Training Program

To your success,

Kevin Neeld

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