Ultimate Hockey Nutrition-Download Page


[headline_arial_small_centered]Download Instructions Below![/headline_arial_small_centered]

[headline_arial_small_centered]Thank You For Ordering Ultimate Hockey Nutrition And Congratulations On Taking The Next Step Toward Improving Your Development![/headline_arial_small_centered]

I would like to personally thank you for investing in your long-term development. At the bottom of this page, you’ll find complete download instructions for how to gain instant access to Ultimate Hockey Nutrition. If you have any problems with the delivery of the product, please do not hesitate to contact me and I will make sure things get straightened out.  You can reach me personally at kn@kevinneeld.com.

For your records, your credit card or bank statement will show a charge by ClickBank or CLKBANK*Com.

To your success,

Kevin Neeld, BSc, MS, CSCS


1) Point your cursor over the highlighted “Ultimate Hockey Nutrition” text below.
2) Choose “Save Target As” or “Save Linked File” (Mac Users)
3) Save the file anywhere on your computer you’ll remember (Desktop Preferred)

Ultimate Hockey Nutrition


[headline_arial_small_centered]Become an Ultimate Hockey Training Insider![/headline_arial_small_centered]

Congratulations on joining the Ultimate Hockey Training team and for being proactive in pursuing your goals. With your attitude and work ethic, your success is inevitable.

Ultimate Hockey Training is the most complete hockey training system available today. It provides everything you need to design results-driven programs to help you improve your performance on the ice. Still, some people prefer to have all the work done for them. They are interested in the “whys” behind each aspect of the program, but don’t want to put the time in to constantly design the programs themselves. After all, it’s a lot of work!

Luckily, you don’t have to. Now you can take your training to the next level by becoming an Ultimate Hockey Training Insider!

Get instant access to the EXACT hockey training programs that Kevin Neeld uses with his players at Endeavor Sports Performance!

Refining the training programs of aspiring hockey players is an ongoing process. As the game continues to evolve, so must the preparation. Now you can stay ahead of the curve by registering as an Ultimate Hockey Training Insider!

As an Insider, you’ll get instant access to a ready-to-use hockey training program every month. Each 4-week program will lay out EVERYTHING for you and take all the guess work out of designing an effective training program with season-specific periodization. You’ll even get access to 2-, 3-, and 4-day programs during the off-season to accommodate your individual training availability. Together with the hundreds of exercises and comprehensive progressions outlined in the book, you’ll have everything you need to train for improved performance, year-round!

You’ll also be first in line to hear about:



  • New advancements to the Ultimate Hockey Training System
  • Special offers and discounts for extraordinary hockey development resources
  • Opportunities for custom training program design, consultation, and mentorships from Ultimate Hockey Training author Kevin Neeld



As a member of the Ultimate Hockey Training Team, you’ve made a commitment to advancing the game of hockey. Registering as an Ultimate Hockey Training Insider will give you exclusive access to a comprehensive training program EVERY month and the most current hockey development information available. Unlike most program design services that cost in excess of $200/month, you can become an Ultimate Hockey Training Insider today for only $7.95/month! Take advantage of this incredible offer now. It won’t be around forever!

[high_impact_btn_get_access_now link=”http://4.uhtsystem.pay.clickbank.net” + target=”_self”] [/high_impact_btn_get_access_now]
