Curiosity, Humility, and Success

Great quote from my friend @dmcconnell29 in an interview he did with @fergus.connelly for the @teamsportmasterclass.

The most successful people I know in the performance and rehab fields have continued to learn, grow, and evolve throughout their career.

They recognize there’s always more to learn, have the curiosity to pursue new information, and the humility to change their methods when appropriate.

The most successful athletes I’ve worked with possess the same characteristics. They’re constantly looking for ways to grow their game – whether that’s improving specific physical attributes (speed, strength, repeat sprint ability, etc.), honing specific skills (in hockey. – edgework/puck protection through traffic, one timers from specific areas on the ice, tipping pucks in front of the net, finishing from in tight, etc.), studying opponent tendencies (on individual and team levels), or improving supporting behaviors (nutrition, supplementation, sleep, etc.).

They have the curiosity to ask questions, the humility to recognize/identify gaps in their game, and an unwavering desire to improve.

They do this despite their past success.

The reality is that no one will ever have it all figured out. There is always opportunity for growth.

And pursuing this growth may very well be the key to sustained success.

Feel free to post any other comments/questions you have below. If you found this helpful, please share/re-post it so others can benefit.

To your success,

Kevin Neeld

P.S. For more information on in- and off-season program design, training and reconditioning for injured players, and integrating sports science into a comprehensive training process, check out Optimizing Adaptation & Performance

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