Posts in Performance Training

Lateral Core Training: Off-Bench Oblique Hold

Lateral Core Training: Off-Bench Oblique Hold

Lateral core variation #3. This one only requires a bench. You can have a partner hold your legs, or just loop your feet under the edge of the bench. Set-up with the top of your hip at the edge of the bench. Unlike many other variations, this is a great option for athletes that are […]

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Lateral Core Training: Landmine Exercise

Lateral Core Training: Landmine Exercise

This is another lateral core variation. Similar to the TRX Lateral Lean, the goal is to stay tall and resist bending as the weight goes through the arc pattern. The shoulders should turn slightly toward the direction the bar is moving, but the hips should stay “square”, looking straight ahead. Landmine Anti-Rotation Arc Unlike the […]

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Lateral Core Training

Lateral Core Training

When integrating core exercises into a training program, it’s helpful to categorize the exercises based on the pattern of movement or control: Anterior, Lateral, Diagonal, Rotational. Keeping the pattern in mind, there are several different exercises using different pieces of equipment that can be used to target specific areas. This allows athletes some flexibility in […]

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Program Individualization: Phase Sequencing

Program Individualization: Phase Sequencing

There are many ways to individualize a training program to make it more specific to an athlete’s needs. One simple way is to skip phases of an off-season program NOT relevant to the athlete’s needs to create additional time for the athlete to cycle through phases more specific to their goals. This table is from […]

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Individualizing a Training Program

Individualizing a Training Program

Over the last few months, I’ve shared examples of how an athlete’s speed or conditioning can be limited by different factors, and how game demands vary by position in ice hockey. The reality is that every athlete is starting from a unique place, and therefore requires a specific path to get from where they are […]

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