3 Keys for a Successful Return from Injury (NHL Reconditioning Model)

Mike Potenza (San Jose Sharks) recently shared an article on 3 powerful strategies he’s used to successfully return his players from injury.

Unfortunately, it’s still extremely common for athletes to be told to rest for several weeks until the injury “heals”, and then receive a green light to fully return to sport.

While time may allow for the injury to heal, the inactivity associated with rest will cause the athlete to significantly detrain.

Just as we wouldn’t recommend that an athlete sits on the couch all off-season and then transitions into competition, the recommendation of simply resting sets the athlete up for failure.

Simply, the athlete returns slower, weaker, and with less endurance.

The methods and progressions Mike outlines have been key to his success in helping his athletes, not just return to sport, but return to the same level of elite performance they achieved prior to the injury. 

The goal is never to just have the athlete in the line-up; the goal is to have the athlete prepared to make an impact.

And while Mike has spent the last 14 years working in the NHL, the methods he discusses apply to athletes in all sports, including “tactical” athletes.

Check out the article here >> 3 Powerful Strategies for Successful Reconditioning

In the article, Mike discusses:

  1. An often overlooked, but extremely effective method for preserving and developing muscle mass around an injured area
  2. An essential strategy to develop and guide program design and motivate the athlete throughout the reconditioning process
  3. How to “program” sport participation as part of the rehabilitation process to allow the athlete to make an immediate impact upon returning

Check out the article here >> 3 Powerful Strategies for Successful Reconditioning

Want to learn more?

Optimizing Adaptation & Performance, the new health and sport performance video series I did with Mike Potenza and Jim LaValle features over 7.5 hours of content tying together the most effective strategies in assessments, program design, sports science, and nutrition/supplementation.

Until this Friday (11/8) at midnight EST, you can save $50 off your access to the entire Optimizing Adaptation & Performance package!

Get your copy and save $50 here >> Optimizing Adaptation & Performance

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As always, if you have any questions, feel free to post them below!

Get your copy and save $50 >> Optimizing Adaptation & Performance

To your success,

Kevin Neeld

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