Hip pain is exceedingly common in hockey players.

Due to the repetitive nature of the skating motion, every player – even the “healthy” ones – flirts with some sort of overuse or under-recovery of their hip musculature over the course of a season.

Click here to read: How To Train Around Hip Pain for Hockey

Travis Pollen and I recently wrote an article for Dean Somerset’s site that discusses:

  • Several of the most common contributors to hip pain
  • How unique hip structure changes will influence your movement
  • A simple screen to assess your hip range of motion in a pattern relevant to skating and off-ice training
  • Specific exercises to maximize training progress while minimizing the risk of exacerbating hip pain

Click here to read: How To Train Around Hip Pain for Hockey

As a friendly reminder, our new book Speed Training for Hockey is available at a 39% discount until this Sunday (5/26) at midnight EST. If you’re interested in learning the most effective speed training methods for hockey players and getting access to age-specific off-season training programs, this is a perfect resource for you.

Grab your copy here: Speed Training for Hockey

To your success,

Kevin Neeld

Enter your first name and email below to sign up for my FREE Athletic Development and Hockey Training Newsletter!

Last week, my friend Tony Gentilcore published an article I wrote on the importance of identifying the limiting factors to speed development in ice hockey players.

Click here to read: Diagnosing Limiting Factors to Speed Development

The article discusses the 4 major physical qualities that influence speed development, and also shares several of the exact tests I’ve used in the past to help identify whether a player needs to emphasize a specific quality in their training.

As I’ve mentioned in the past, I think one of the biggest mistakes made in sport preparation is overlooking individual needs.

Simply, individuals respond to the same training stimulus differently.

As a result, having a diagnostic system to identify areas of particular need, and monitor the effectiveness of any training program is essential. This article outlines several strategies that apply directly to speed training for hockey.

Click here to read: Diagnosing Limiting Factors to Speed Development

Feel free to post any questions you have in the comments section below.

To your success,

Kevin Neeld

Enter your first name and email below to sign up for my FREE Athletic Development and Hockey Training Newsletter!

Just a friendly reminder that this is the last week to save 39% on my new book Speed Training for Hockey.

Speed Training for Hockey is a ~150 page book that dissects every essential element to improving on-ice speed, including topics ranging from land-based acceleration work to optimal skating technique, strength training for increased rate of force development, and even the in-game tactical aspects of hockey speed.

The book includes three 12-week off-season training programs designed for players in the U-14 (PeeWees), 14-18 (Bantams & Midgets), and 18+ (Juniors and College) age groups.

These programs integrate all of the information in the book to provide you with everything you need to maximize your speed development AND your ability to repeat high-speed efforts consistently over the course of a game.

The programs are accompanied by a video database, so you can see exactly how to correctly perform all of the exercises, and tips on how to make adjustments if you’re missing certain pieces of equipment.

Get your copy here >> Speed Training for Hockey

One of the biggest misconceptions in off-ice speed training is that players simply need to run more sprints to get faster. While on- and off-ice speed correlate, a deeper look at the movement characteristics of skating will allow players to train using methods that will have a better transfer to on-ice speed than sprinting at max speed.

Last week, I had an article published on Athletes Acceleration called Speed Training Methods for Hockey that dives into this very issue.

The article discusses:

  • Physical characteristics essential for developing speed on the ice, and how these differ from developing off-ice speed
  • How sprinting patterns change with distance and how this affects the transfer to on-ice speed
  • Three training implications to maximize on-ice speed through off-ice training

The article even touches on the relationship between the release of Nicholas Cage movies and the number of people that drown in swimming pools!

Check it out here: Speed Training Methods for Hockey

To your success,

Kevin Neeld

Enter your first name and email below to sign up for my FREE Athletic Development and Hockey Training Newsletter!

As part of the release of my new book Speed Training for Hockey, I recently wrote a guest article for Mike Robertson’s website discussing how to apply long-term athletic development models to maximize speed development in youth athletes.

Read the article here: Long-Term Athletic Development Applications to Speed Training

In the article, I discuss:

  • How understanding LTAD models can help parents, coaches, and athletes understand the development process and know when to train specific qualities to maximize speed
  • Gender-specific ages where specific qualities develop at an accelerated rate
  • Specific changes to three primary systems within the body that drive improvements in performance
  • 3 training applications to help youth athletes maximize their speed development

Read the article here: Long-Term Athletic Development Applications to Speed Training

Save 39% on Speed Training for Hockey until May 26th at midnight here: Speed Training for Hockey

To your success,

Kevin Neeld

Enter your first name and email below to sign up for my FREE Athletic Development and Hockey Training Newsletter!

With the release of Speed Training for Hockey, I realize you may have some questions about the book and program. Check out the Q&A below, and if I missed anything, feel free to ask your question(s) by responding to this email:

What exactly is Speed Training for Hockey?

    Speed Training for Hockey is a 150-page book that dissects all aspects of speed development for ice hockey players. It includes three 12-week training programs for players in the U-14, 14-18, and 18+ age groups, and a video database of all the exercises included in the programs.

*You can choose to order either a physical or digital copy of the book. When you order, you’ll receive immediate access to a digital version of the book (including the programs) and the video database.

Save 39% on your copy here: Speed Training for Hockey

Is this more for strength and conditioning coaches or for hockey coaches, players, and parents?

    While performance coaches will benefit from reading the book, Speed Training for Hockey is written specifically for hockey coaches, players, and parents. The goal was to give players highly effective off-ice speed training programs, all of the resources they need to implement the program specifically, and powerful tips on how to maximize speed on the ice.

What if I don’t know how to perform the exercises?

    The video database has a demonstration of each exercise within the program, and the book includes a section outlining the most powerful coaching cues I use regularly with hockey players to maximize the safety and effectiveness of each exercise.

What if I don’t have the equipment needed to do the program?

    There is a section in the book specifically devoted to answering this question. In short, almost every exercise can be substituted with an alternative without losing the effectiveness/intent of the original exercise. The book provides alternative options for the most common equipment limitations.

Does the program include conditioning work?

    This is a GREAT question. It doesn’t matter how fast you are if you can’t repeat high speed efforts consistently. Conditioning for this repeat sprint ability requires specific methods and strategies that differ drastically from what most players do to “get in shape.” These methods are integrated within the training programs, so players can maximize both their speed, and their consistency.

Is this a one-time purchase or are their recurring payments?

    This is a one-time purchase. When you buy Speed Training for Hockey, you get the book, training programs, and the video database so you can download all of them and refer to them again and again.

What if I want the physical book and a digital copy?

   That’s easy – when you buy a physical copy of the book, you ALSO receive a digital copy. Some people (myself included) prefer to have a hard copy of the book, but digital versions are easier to search for specific things. So if you don’t mind paying for shipping, you can get both versions, physical and digital, for the same base cost as only buying the digital version.

Save 39% on your copy here: Speed Training for Hockey

To your success,

Kevin Neeld

Enter your first name and email below to sign up for my FREE Athletic Development and Hockey Training Newsletter!

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