A couple days ago, I mentioned that we’re hosting Joel Jamieson’s new Certified Conditioning Coach course at our facility on April 2nd and 3rd. In response to that post I received a bunch of notes from people either expressing an interest in taking the course, or telling me how great it was when they took it previously.

If you’re interested in taking the course, register ASAP. We’re limiting the course to ~40 attendees and have already sold over half the seats. You can get more information and register at the link below.

Certified Conditioning Coach

Reserve your seat here >> Certified Conditioning Coach

Given the interest in energy system development my last post sparked, I thought it would be an opportune time to repost a video I’ve shown a few times of a presentation Joel gave on the topic. This is a GREAT presentation, and one of the best free resources available. Check it out below!

A few years ago when I first came across this presentation from Joel Jamieson, it caused me to rethink a lot of what I thought I knew about “conditioning”. Since that time, I’ve read (and re-read) his two books, seen him speak a few times, and even spoke alongside him when the two of us did a one day seminar (where Optimizing Movement was filmed).

Joel Jamieson-Ultimate MMA Conditioning

Ultimate MMA Conditioning is a must-read for anyone that trains athletes in any sport

Needless to say, I think this information is incredibly valuable; it’s had a profound impact on the way that I write my programs.

Even in rereading my comments about the video below, I know that my perspective on energy systems work has changed considerably over the last 4 years, especially as it pertains to redeveloping aerobic qualities in hockey players (and all athletes in general) in the early off-season. We’re using methods now that I would have never thought to use in 2011, and the foundation for a lot of that change was built on this video.

Enjoy! And if you want to share any of the conditioning methods you’re using or have any questions, please post them in the comments section below.

A New Perspective on Energy Systems

I hope you’re all enjoying your day off (if you got one). Endeavor Sports Performance typically shuts down for Memorial Day, but Matt, David, and I are leaving Thursday night to head up to Boston for the Hockey Symposium, so we have to open up today to make sure all of our athletes can get their sessions in before we go. Just another day in the office! (I’m pretending that today isn’t the first day that it hasn’t precipitated since last November).

Rather than spending the day outside enjoying the sun and BBQing, I thought you’d be more interested in watching a great presentation on energy systems development from Joel Jamieson, who’s a really bright guy. Joel primarily trains MMA fighters out of his facility in Seattle, WA, but he also has experience with football and soccer players. More importantly, and you’ll get this quickly from watching his presentation, his training philosophy is science-based. While I don’t think that every line on a training program needs to have a citation next to it, I think using quality research as a backing for your training philosophies ensures that you understand the underlying principles of athletic development, which can be effectively applied to any sport (in a sport- and athlete-relevant manner).

This video is from a presentation Joel gave at the Central Virginia Sports Performance Seminar at the University of Richmond in Virginia, and he includes a download link for the power point slides so you can follow along. Click the link below and watch the video now (it’s completely free and doesn’t require registering for anything):

Click Here to Watch >> A New Perspective on Energy Systems

I finished watching the video late last week and left with a few good research resources to look into and an augmented understanding of energy metabolism and physiology. I can’t help but feel that some of his words will be grossly misinterpreted though.

One thing that stood out to me as extremely hockey conditioning relevant is the large degree to which the aerobic system contributes to repeat sprint performance with incomplete recovery. Using running as a model, Joel presented that the energy delivery for 200m (~22s) and 400m(~49s) sprints were 29% and 43% aerobic, respectively. In other words, in the time equivalent of an average hockey shift, roughly 1/3-1/2 of the energy provided is aerobic, and this is likely to increase with incomplete recovery between bouts (e.g. as shifts progress within a period).

In my opinion, Joel’s presentation offers more accurate explanatory power than it does a drastic change in the way we condition for hockey. The major take home message is that you need to understand the demands of the sport and prepare accordingly. I think people see something like “50% of energy is from anaerobic sources and 50% is from aerobic sources” and think “50% of my training should be sprint repeats and 50% should be continuous aerobic work.” In reality, all this is saying is that the sprint repeats will eventually be developing aerobic systems in addition to the know anaerobic benefits.

Primarily Aerobic? Anaerobic? Does it matter?

This is one of the reasons why I think it’s more important to have an in-depth understanding of the work:rest ratios and overall work intensities of the game than it is to understand the underlying physiological mechanisms driving them. As an overly simplified example, if hockey includes, on average, about a 40s shift of which about 20s is spent at all out intensities every 3 minutes, and we use some similar work intervals and work to rest ratios to create a slight overload on the involved metabolic systems, does us realizing that more of the on-ice energy AND off-ice training energy is coming from aerobic metabolism than we previously thought change the way we train? I’m not sure it does. I’m certainly not implying that I disagree with anything Joel said in his presentation, and I agree that certain athletes will need a greater emphasis on certain qualities based on their athletic profiles, but I think some people over-emphasize the physiological explanations and under-emphasize the much more obvious and intuitive game demands. What do you think? Check out the video and post your comments below!

To your success,

Kevin Neeld

Please enter your first name and email below to sign up for my FREE Athletic Development and Hockey Training Newsletter!

Get Optimizing Movement Now!

“…one of the best DVDs I’ve ever watched”
“A must for anyone interested in coaching and performance!”

Optimizing Movement DVD Package

Click here for more information >> Optimizing Movement

On April 2nd-3rd, we’ll be hosting Joel Jamieson’s Certified Conditioning Coach course at Endeavor. I’m incredibly excited to take the course, as Joel has had a significant impact on the way I view sports conditioning.

In fact, being introduced to Joel’s work ~3 years ago has led to more changes in the way I design programs than any of the other courses I’ve taken or books I’ve read.

Certified Conditioning Coach

Keeping with the conditioning focus, here are 7 things to consider when designing a sports conditioning program:

1) The Athlete’s Position

Most people think of energy systems work in terms of the sport. I would argue that the sport is irrelevant if individual positions aren’t considered. The energy system demands of a football punter are drastically different from an offensive lineman, as they are for a pitcher in a 5-day rotation vs. an outfielder playing everyday, and goalies in every sport compared to other positions. Conditioning programs should be written based on the most relevant needs of that athlete, which will certainly be influenced by their position.

I wrote down a quote while listening to a lecture from Charlie Francis a few years ago that says, “Watch the player, not the game.” I refer back to this often.

From a position standpoint, work to rest ratios simply don’t provide an accurate portrayal of the demands on the athlete. This is especially problematic in hockey, as many conditioning programs are designed around the fact that a typical shift may last ~45 seconds and many teams rotate 3-4 d-pairs or forward lines. Using this logic, the goalie plays 3 20-minute shifts with a 15-minute rest in between. If you actually watch the goalie, you’ll get a much different perspective.

2) The Athlete’s Role

In addition to the athlete’s position, the athlete’s role will determine their specific conditioning needs. For example, a 4th line player that only logs ~10 minutes per night will benefit from spending more time focusing on alactic power and capacity to maximize their speed and power, which will help make their shifts more impactful.

This is different from a defenseman that logs 25 minutes per night or a top-6 forward that is playing 20 minutes and getting special teams opportunities. These are simplified examples, but understanding the role a specific athlete plays (or needs to play) will allow for a deeper level of program individualization.

Bench Riding

If you’re riding the bench, your conditioning needs are much different than someone logging big minutes (Image from: http://quotesgram.com/riding-the-bench-quotes/)

3) The Athlete’s Individual Barrier to Success

Once you have an understanding of the specific demands the athlete needs to be prepared for, it’s important to assess what is most limiting the athlete from being successful at the level they’re competing at or hoping to compete at.

For example, consider a high school soccer midfielder who plays the entire game. An analysis of the demands of this player’s role and position will strongly point to the importance of a well-developed aerobic system. However, if the athlete’s speed is the primary barrier to his or her success, the program should be designed with this focus in mind. From an application standpoint, this may mean allocating an extra block of the off-season to a speed/power phase and/or using aerobic training methods that support high threshold motor unit output.

4) The Coach’s Philosophy

From a team perspective, the systems that the coaches implement and the tempo they want the team to play at can have a significant impact on the energy system demands for the players.

Living in South Jersey, a convenient illustration of this concept lies in how Chip Kelly’s “up-tempo” offense changed the conditioning needs of the Philadelphia Eagles offense, who needed to be prepared for short, high-intensity efforts with minimal rest for several minutes at a time, and the defense, who spent drastically more time on the field when the up-tempo offense couldn’t convert on 3rd downs.

Become a Certified Conditioning Coach Today!

5) Sequencing/The Goal of the Phase

In training, as in construction, the larger the foundation, the higher the potential peak. One of the biggest mistakes many novices make is over-focusing on work that “looks” like the intended goal.

As one example, performing sprints looks like speed training, so if the primary goal is to get faster, the athlete should run sprints all off-season, right? Not exactly.

Speed may be better developed by spending early phases emphasizing strength and high-load, low velocity power development first. Similarly, an early emphasis on aerobic training methods will allow an athlete to reach a higher peak in alactic capacity work later in the program by improving their ability to recover from high intensity efforts. Knowing how to appropriately sequence training blocks will lead to more progress than simply hammering the same quality repetitively.

Reverse Lunge

This is speed training, and may be the best form of speed training for many youth athletes.

Just as importantly, it’s important to clearly define the goal of a given training phase. Attempting to simultaneously develop high levels of speed, strength, and aerobic power will lead to poor improvements in all areas.

Training is a stimulus that leads to a cascade of events within the body leading to some form of adaptation. When athletes train several different qualities simultaneously, the processes of adaptation directly conflict with one another so the body can’t adapt strongly to anything. For example, when you perform alactic power work, you’re telling your body that you need to be able to produce high amounts of power, repetitively, as quickly as possible. If you also perform lactic work, like 30-second intervals, you’re telling your body that it needs to be able to sustain lower levels of power for prolonged periods of time. These two stimuli lead to different changes in enzyme production/activity, and the rate at which the nervous system will activate the working musculature, among other things.

6) Movement Demands

Making sure athletes are prepared for the specific movement demands of their position is paramount to maximizing both performance and durability. There are a lot of different ways to analyze movement, but a few basic considerations are whether the athletes are running or skating, the degree to which the athlete moves in lateral or rotational patterns, and the importance of vertical jumping. To build on these considerations with applied examples, athletes that skate and/or move in lateral directions will benefit from including slideboarding or lateral shuffling into their conditioning programs; rotational athletes will benefit from rotational med ball throws; athletes like basketball and volleyball players will benefit from activities like jumping rope that help improve stiffness and repeat jumping ability.

Low position strength and lateral movement are essential in ice hockey, along with many other team sports.

7) Time of Season/Competing Demands

The focus of a conditioning program should be heavily influenced by the time of the season. When athletes are in-season, the overwhelming majority of their training stresses will come from practices and games. Any additional work should be designed to support in-sport development by focusing on physical qualities that aren’t targeted through the sport and/or to facilitate recovery to allow for more purposeful practice.

For example, if a baseball player has batting practice for an hour, he probably doesn’t need more low load, high velocity power work in their in-season training program. He would benefit more from strength work to support their power output, mobility/motor control work to maintain optimal health and function, and some conditioning work to support their recovery.

I tend to think of in-season training as “anti-sport-specific training”. The training should support, but not mimic the demands of the sport. This is in contrast to the off-season where in-sport demands are much lower, and the focus transitions to preparing for these demands.

Wrap Up

There is a lot to consider when designing a sport conditioning program. While this is not a comprehensive list, it provides a few key considerations that will significantly impact the transfer of your training efforts into sport performance. The most important thing to realize is that EVERYTHING impacts conditioning. Every component of your program is tapping into some energy system and providing a stimulus for that energy system to either adapt, or not. As a result, it’s essential to program your speed/power, strength, and conditioning work in a way that best supports the targeted adaptation.

If you’re interested in learning more about how to do this, I’d strongly encourage you to join me and the rest of the Endeavor staff at Joel Jamieson’s new Certified Conditioning Coach course in April.

To your success,

Kevin Neeld

Please enter your first name and email below to sign up for my FREE Athletic Development and Hockey Training Newsletter!

As I’ve mentioned in the past, speed training is by far the most common reason athletes come to us. I can count on exactly zero hands how many athletes have come in hoping to get slower.

Speed training involves a lot more than just running sprints. In fact, speed results from the seamless integration of mobility (range of motion), stability (control), the ability to produce high amounts of force, the ability to produce that force quickly, and technique/mechanics.

Understanding which of these factors is the primary limitation to your speed will help you better cater your training program to address your specific needs. With that said, the overwhelming majority of the people that walk through our doors at Endeavor have a lot of room for improvement in the running technique department. This is particularly true with our hockey players, who generally aren’t great runners.

Below are 3 of my favorite speed training coaching cues to quickly clean up the most common sprinting technique issues.

Speed Training Cue #1: “Stay Tall”

This is a cue that will help clean up starting/acceleration posture, as well as top speed running technique. When you accelerate, you have to lean forward. However, your posture should still be “tall”.

The image below show Matt demonstrating two exercises we use to reinforce a tall posture under more controlled circumstances to help transfer into acceleration positions (see bottom right). In all 3 positions, he’s tall or “long” from his straightened leg through the top of his head.

Speed Training-Posture Series

In both acceleration and top speed running positions, bending excessively at the waist will limit both the ability to pull the knee all the way (the load) and full hip extension (the drive). Cuing someone to “stay tall” or “stay long” will help clean this up quickly.

Speed Training Cue #2: “Throw your hand back”

Many races are won or lost in the first few steps. A lot of athletes leave “free speed” on the table by not optimizing their arm action. The arm action is meant to directly counterbalance the leg action. This is one reason why you feel so awkward and run so much slower if you hold your hands on your hips while you run compared to letting them swing (try it). It’s also one of the reasons why many females, who have a wider pelvis than males, tend to run with their elbows out wider. The wider base through the hips requires a wider counterbalance strategy to counterbalance.

Because the arm swing is synchronized with the opposite leg, a more aggressive arm swing can lead to a more aggressive leg drive. In general, cuing a “loose, but aggressive arm action” will help athletes add some more whip to their swing, which will help improve the force produced by the opposite leg. The “loose” is important here, because if athletes clench their fists or over-stiffen through their upper body, it will actually slow them down.

During sprint starts and through the initial acceleration phase, the arm swing should be straight back. The pictures below show the difference between starting with an emphasis of pushing off the back foot (top) and the front foot (bottom). The emphasis of pushing off the front foot leads to a more complete hip extension and opposite knee drive (not the difference between the top right and bottom right, especially how much higher her front foot is on the bottom compared to the top, which will lead to a more explosive 2nd stride); this is good.

Speed Training-Sprint Start Variation

However, this would be even better if she had a more aggressive arm swing. Look at the difference between the two pictures below.

Speed Training-Arm Swing Comparison

The cue we’ll use to accomplish this is “throw your hand back.” Sometimes we’ll tell athletes to think of throwing a towel as far back behind them as they can. If necessary, we’ll give them something to throw.

Speed Training Cue #3: “Rip the turf up with your shoe”

This is a cue I learned from Matt Siniscalchi a few years ago and one that I use frequently to clean up a lot of different issues. Whether an athlete is “stabbing the ground” with their toes, whipping their feet too far behind their body (like a bad butt kicker), don’t pick their feet up enough to get a full knee drive, or over-reach with their lead foot this is the cue I start with.

When an athlete focuses on ripping the turf up with their shoe, it often addresses all of the above issues because they naturally:

  • Push the ground back away from them instead of stabbing down with their toes
  • Pull their heel under their hip instead of letting their heel swing around their hip
  • Pick their foot up higher and get a better knee drive
  • Cycle their foot through faster

Importantly, most athletes actually feel faster when focusing on this cue, which helps reinforce how one simple cue can make a noticeable difference.

Certified Speed and Agility Coach

Earlier this week, Lee Taft opened his new Certified Speed and Agility Coach program. I’ve learned A LOT from Lee, and reviewing his material has led to distinct changes in how we analyze, teach, program, progress, and coach speed training. I’m in the process of going through this certification myself and I’ve been really impressed so far. If you train athletes, I’d strongly encourage you to check it out.

Certified Speed and Agility Coach Certificate

To your success,

Kevin Neeld

Please enter your first name and email below to sign up for my FREE Athletic Development and Hockey Training Newsletter!

Short and sweet today. I just wanted to share a list of “Sports Performance” articles I think you’ll enjoy. Check them out at the links below!

As a friendly reminder, Lee Taft’s new Certified Speed and Agility Coach program is only open for 12 days before they close enrollment. It’s also on sale for $100 off, so if you’re interested in learning from one of the top speed development experts in the industry and saving some loot, check out his program today: Certified Speed and Agility Coach

Certified Speed and Agility Coach Logo

From Endeavor

Matt Sees-Forgive Me For These Gains

Matt Sees, Performance Specialist at Endeavor Sports Performance and all around snazzy dresser, wrote a 3-part article series on off-season football training. If you’re like most people reading this, and are here primarily for hockey training information, I would STILL encourage you to read these. What Matt is describing is really just a systematic approach to designing a quality training program. He did a great job with this series and it’ll spark a lot of thought about the programs you’re using/writing for whatever sport you’re interested in.

  1. Off-Season Training for Football
  2. Off-Season Training for Football: Position-Specific Training
  3. Off-Season Training for Football: Individualizing Your Program

Sarah Sulsenti is the newest member to the Endeavor Team, and along with her many other responsibilities, will be running our new E-Fit Bootcamps. She has been an AWESOME addition to our team. She recently shared her “Why”, discussing how she became interested in the fitness industry and what keeps her motivated.  I really enjoy reading these stories because they share the background story that leads to an unwavering passion for wanting to help people. Check out Sarah’s story here: Sarah Sulsenti’s Why

If you’re interested, I shared my personal story a few weeks ago: Kevin’s Why

From Mike Robertson

This is a great post from Mike that everyone working in the fitness industry should read. If you’re an intern or young coach, the recommendations in this article should lay the foundation for your coaching style; if you’re an experienced coach, this should be a great reminder. Check it out here: Do’s and Don’ts of Coaching

From Maria Mountain

Maria is basically the only coach writing about “hockey-specific” training information that I read regularly. She’s not only very bright, but she actually coaches, so the “good in theory, bad in practice” ideas don’t make it on to her site. She has a particular interest in training goalies, a largely under-served and over-looked population. This is a very quick read on goalie-specific exercises, but has a few important messages: The Truth About Goalie-Specific Exercises

From USA Hockey

USA vs. Canada

Emotions were riding high on Friday afternoon in anticipation of the U-18 Women’s World Championship

Our U-18 girls won the U-18 Women’s World Championships with a 3-2 overtime win over Canada on Friday. The team went 5-0, and outscored their opponents 23-3 during the tournament. I’m very proud of this group. Check out the recap of the Gold Medal Game vs. Canada here: U.S. Wins Gold with 3-2 Win vs. Canada

From Hockey Strength Podcast

Brian Sipotz has been doing a great job with the Hockey Strength Podcast. Last week I knocked out ~10 episodes while I was getting some office work done. If you train hockey players, this is a great free resource where you can hear from many of the top coaches across college, professional, and private settings. Check it out here: Hockey Strength Podcast


To your success,

Kevin Neeld

Please enter your first name and email below to sign up for my FREE Athletic Development and Hockey Training Newsletter!

Get Ultimate Hockey Transformation Now!

Year-round age-specific hockey training programs complete with a comprehensive instructional video database!

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Get access to your game-changing program now >> Ultimate Hockey Transformation

“Kevin Neeld is one of the top 5-6 strength and conditioning coaches in the ice hockey world.”
– Mike Boyle, Head S&C Coach, US Women’s Olympic Team

“…if you want to be the best, Kevin is the one you have to train with”
– Brijesh Patel, Head S&C Coach, Quinnipiac University

Today I have another segment in the series of sports nutrition tips from my friend Brian St. Pierre, who wrote the Nutrition Guide for my new program Ultimate Hockey Transformation.

For a “nutrition” tip, this article has almost nothing to do with eating. With the alphabet soup of credentials Brian carries after his name, I wouldn’t describe him as a sports nutrition expert as much as an adaptation expert. The reality is that quality training can be significantly enhanced, or completely undermined by your “out of gym” habits. This includes what you are or are not eating, the accumulation of additional stress in your life, and the quantity and quality of your sleep.

Sleep is a topic I’ve done A LOT of research on (See: Sleep and Sports Performance Part 1 and Part 2); this is a great checklist to significantly improve your sleep, recovery, and as a result…your adaptation.


Tip #9 – Create A Sleep Ritual

Let’s be honest, we all know that sleep is important for our health. However, many of us, if not most of us, tend to act as if that just doesn’t hold true for us. We seem to believe that we can get away with it.

While you may blame “school work” or simply being “busy”, research clearly and consistently shows that people miss out on sleep due to something called “voluntary bedtime delay.”

Basically, we stay up late because we want to, often watching Kardashian re-runs (Editor Note: This sounds like a personal revelation from Brian…), or mindlessly reading useless info on Facebook.  No matter the reason, it is unlikely to actually be more important than logging sufficient and quality shut-eye.

In the big picture, sleep is just as important as nutrition and exercise when it comes to improving how you look, feel, and perform. Before we get into strategies to optimize your sleep quality and quantity, here is a quick recap on why this is so important in the first place.

Why sleep rules

The average US teenager gets about 7 hours and 15 minutes of sleep per night. Unfortunately, teenagers require 8-10 hours of sleep per night.

And studies suggest that people who sleep fewer than 6 hours per night gain almost twice as much weight over a 6-year period as people who sleep 7 to 8 hours per night.

There are many other consequences to not getting enough sleep consistently, as it can:

  • limit your ability to learn, listen, concentrate and solve problems
  • contribute to acne formation
  • lead to aggressive or inappropriate behavior
  • cause excessive food intake, especially intake of highly processed foods
  • lower your immune system, making you more prone to get sick and miss training and playing time
  • lower your ability to recover from training and games
  • and more

Fortunately, research also shows that simply getting adequate sleep can quickly right the ship on these issues.  So how do we go about creating an environment conducive to optimal sleep?  Well here is a step-by-step guide on getting sufficient, and restorative, sleep.

Creating a sleep routine

The first step to getting more and better sleep is to simply create a nighttime routine.  A routine will signal to your body that you are preparing to go to sleep, and it will start to initiate the process automatically.  In addition will also help to prepare you for optimal sleeping conditions and duration, if done correctly.

1) Set a regular schedule

Try to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day and night.  While maybe aiming for all 7 is unlikely, try to be as consistent as possible.  This consistency will help you fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer, as your body will become accustomed to your schedule and will automatically start to prep you for sleeping and waking at those times.

Ruxin Sleeping


2) Avoid excessive caffeine

Sleep actually has 5 stages.  Getting to deep sleep (stages 3,4 and 5) is imperative to having your sleep be genuinely restful and restorative.  Unfortunately, having caffeine within 7-9 hours of bedtime can prevent you from getting into those deep, restorative phases. You may “sleep” for 7 hours, but it is poor sleep, and recovery will be compromised.

3) Eat and drink appropriately

Having a large meal immediately before bed can disrupt your ability to fall and stay asleep.  Instead, aim to simply have a “normal” meal a few hours before bedtime, as described earlier in the previous tips.  A nice blend of protein, carbs and fats will help to keep you satisfied, won’t prevent sleep, and can possibly improve your ability to fall asleep as your brain converts carbs to serotonin.

In addition, try to limit your fluids 2-3 hours before bedtime.  Excess fluid intake prior to going to sleep can cause you to wake several times to urinate.  While total sleep time is important, it is even more beneficial if your sleep time is uninterrupted.

4) Create tomorrow’s to-do list

We have all lied awake in bed, staring at the ceiling, thinking about all the stuff we have to do the next day.  Take a few minutes before you start getting ready for bed and write a list of things you are thinking of: homework to do, papers to write, calls to make, project ideas, creative thoughts, etc.

5) Turn off the TV/Computer/Phone

Unplugging from the digital world can have a host of sleep benefits.  First off, you remove a stimulating device, which will help your brain and body to better prepare for sleep.  Secondly, the blue light from your electronics can actually prevent the production of melatonin, which will delay your ability to fall asleep, and could negatively impact your sleep quality. (Editor Note: If you absolutely HAVE to be on your computer before bed, download F.lux to block blue light at night)

6) Static stretch/Read/De-stress before bed

The role of static stretching in improving mobility/flexibility is certainly debatable.  However, it is fantastic at helping you to relax.  Just 5-15 minutes can be enough to help prepare you for a better night’s sleep.

Alternatively, reading a book for 20-30 minutes before bed can also help to slow you down.  However, you are probably better off with something other than engrossing fiction. I certainly know if I read some fiction before bed, the next thing I know its 2am and I am still reading!

You could also simply meditate for 20 minutes here.  Any type of de-stressing exercise would be appropriate and beneficial, though winding down with breathing techniques and progressive relaxation before bedtime is especially helpful.

7) Go to bed before midnight

According to sleep experts, every hour of sleep before midnight is worth 2 after.  This has to do with our natural circadian rhythms and wake/sleep cycle.  Our body is meant to go to sleep when it gets dark, and wake when it gets light.  That old saying about early to bed and early to rise still stands the test of time.

8) Sleep at least 8 hours

8 hours seems to be the minimum amount needed to keep teens fit and healthy.  If you know you have to wake at 6:15 to get ready for school, then you should be in bed by 9:30 and hopefully asleep by 10.  Getting in bed at 10:15 doesn’t count.  It’s the amount of time you sleep, not the amount of time you are in bed.

Bottom line: Create a sleep ritual that works for you, where you can consistently get at least 8 hours of quality sleep each night. Your performance, body, and health will be better for it.

-Brian St. Pierre, MS, RD, CSCS, CISSN, PN1

P.S. For more information on how to get a copy of Brian’s incredible hockey nutrition manual, click here: Ultimate Hockey Transformation

Brian is a Registered Dietitian and received his Bachelor’s in Human Nutrition and Dietetics from the University of Maine, where he also received his Master’s in Food Science and Human Nutrition. He is a Certified Sports Nutritionist as well as a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist.

Brian worked for three years at Cressey Performance as the head Sports Nutritionist and as a Strength and Conditioning Coach, working with hundreds of athletes and recreational exercisers of all types. During this time, he also authored the High Performance Handbook Nutrition Guide, Show and Go Nutrition Guide, Ultimate Hockey Nutrition and dozens of articles for publication.

Nowadays, he works closely with Dr. John Berardi as a full-time coach and a nutrition educator at Precision Nutrition. In particular, working closely with our elite athletes and fitness professionals. As part of the Precision Nutrition mission, he helps to deliver life-changing, research-driven nutrition coaching for everyone.

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Get Ultimate Hockey Transformation Now!

Year-round age-specific hockey training programs complete with a comprehensive instructional video database!

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Get access to your game-changing program now >> Ultimate Hockey Transformation

“Kevin Neeld is one of the top 5-6 strength and conditioning coaches in the ice hockey world.”
– Mike Boyle, Head S&C Coach, US Women’s Olympic Team

“…if you want to be the best, Kevin is the one you have to train with”
– Brijesh Patel, Head S&C Coach, Quinnipiac University

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