I RARELY recommend “follow along” training products. In fact, the only one I can think of that I ever supported was Eric Cressey’s “Show and Go”, and that was only after our staff used the program for several months ourselves and saw how well-designed it was. While I can appreciate why people flock to done-for-you training programs, in general I think almost all of them, by their very nature, undermine the uniqueness of the individual using them. In other words, there is no semblance of individualization in the program, which is especially important in terms of recognizing the individual’s training history, training goals, and movement tendencies.

It’s for these reasons, as you read a few days ago, that I am so impressed with Mike Robertson’s “The Bulletproof Athlete Project” (BAP). On the surface it’s just another done-for-you program (although designed by a hell of a coach!), but when you get a copy in your hands you see immediately that it’s much more than that. Below are my Top 5 favorite things about BAP, and the reasons why I know you’ll not only love it, but you’ll get great results using it.

 Mike Robertson's Bulletproof Athlete Project

Check it out now >>> The Bulletproof Athlete Project

1) It’s actually THREE programs! It’s sold as one package, but BAP actually includes three programs: The Fat Burner, The Weekend Warrior, and The Monster. Which program you want to follow, as Mike describes inside, depends on your training goals, the time you have available for each training session, and the frequency you want to train. To me, this is a huge step in helping you stick with the program. If a program has too much, people tend to cherry pick what they like doing, which is rarely what they need. Using the program that is most appropriate for your needs and situation is the best way to ensure you get the results you’re after.

2) Complex topics made simple. Mike is a brilliant guy and diligent about keeping up with his continuing education. He’s been an outstanding resource for me for the last 7 years and I continue to learn from him today as he continues to evolve his knowledge. That said, in many cases, the more someone knows, the harder it is for them to relay that information in terms that normal people can understand. There are some pretty advanced concepts integrated into BAP, but everything is explained clearly, succinctly, and simply, in terms that are almost impossible not to understand. You’ll know exactly why you’re doing everything in the program, which is important in making sure that you do it all! I haven’t talked to Mike about this, but the entire layout of the program seems like it was designed by a “behavior change” expert, which is a topic that comprised a significant portion of my undergraduate studies at the University of Delaware. Part of making complex things simple is making adopting positive behaviors as easy as possible. Lowering the barrier to entry is key; Mike rolls out new behaviors/focuses in a strategic manner that makes it difficult to not adopt! Which leads me to…

3) Integrated nutrition advice. Nutrition can literally make or break a training program, especially if body composition changes are desired (e.g. gaining muscle or losing fat), and/or if the training frequency is high. I remember two Summers ago we had a hockey player that was going to be a freshman at a D1 school, and another that was returning for his sophomore year at another D1 school. Though they trained on the same program, the player that was going to be a freshman put on 15-20 pounds and was absolutely shredded at the end of the Summer. In somewhat of a contrast, the second player was ~10 lbs overweight at 205lbs and was ~12% body fat at the beginning of the off-season; he was told by his team that he needed to work on his body comp if he wanted the play the next year. He finished the Summer ~12lbs lighter and at 7% body fat using the SAME program as the first player. While the players had different corrective work, all the main training stimuli were the same. The only difference was the approach we took with their nutrition. Powerful stuff! BAP slow drips nutrition habits throughout the program, which both keeps things interesting AND helps you achieve better results with the program.

4) An emphasis on recovery. Recovery is the key to adaptation. The training, which is also an important piece of the puzzle, is simply the stimulus to adapt. Recovery efforts are both instrumental in ensuring your body has the time and resources it needs to adapt, but also ensures that you’re able to KEEP training at a high level. One difficult training session that buries you for the week won’t get you nearly as far as 3-4 (or more) training sessions that strategically balance stressors. Recovery comes in many forms some of which may fall under different names (e.g. nutrition), but BAP incorporates a variety of strategies that helps keep you physically and psychologically fresh.

5) Exercise videos and coaching cues! This is HUGE in my mind. The biggest problem with done-for-you programs is there’s no coaching involved, and almost everyone, at one point or another, will need a reminder on how to perform an exercise the right way. BAP includes videos of all the exercises and a “Comments” section for every exercise in the entire program, so you get access to the simple, effective coaching cues that Mike uses with the athletes at his facility. It’s the closest thing to having a great coach with you as you can possibly get without actually hiring someone, and it’s a lot cheaper!

This is really just the tip of the iceberg, as there is a lot to be appreciated with Mike’s The Bulletproof Athlete Project. Do yourself a favor and check it out for yourself!

Mike Robertson's Bulletproof Athlete Project-2

Check it out now >>> The Bulletproof Athlete Project

To your success,

Kevin Neeld

P.S. Don’t forget that BAP is on sale for $50 off for this week only. Grab a copy now before the sale ends! The Bulletproof Athlete Project

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Mike Robertson recently released his “Bulletproof Athlete Project“, an outstanding training program series that suits the needs of current and former athletes alike. Mike has been a great resource for me over the years, so I wanted to take this opportunity to get him on the site to do an interview. If you had an opportunity to watch the three free videos Mike released last week, you know he knows his stuff. The interview below provides a lot of great insight into developing effective training programs. Enjoy!

KN: Mike, first and foremost, thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to share some of your insight and experience with us. I think most of the people reading this are familiar with your work, but for those that aren’t, can you give us a quick glimpse of your training philosophy as a whole, and how you approach training your clients at IFAST?

MR: Wow, Kev, way to start me off with an easy question!

In all seriousness, I think my core belief is that movement is our foundation. Proper mobility, stability, and the ability to perform basic movement patterns like squats, lunges, hip hinges and push-ups are critical to our development.

I’m probably not too far off from Gray Cook in that regard – you need a basic movement foundation before you move forward.

From there, I think it’s all about putting the pieces of the puzzle together. So you move well, now what?

Do you need to get stronger?

More powerful?

Do you need to develop the appropriate energy systems?

That’s where things get fun. But it all comes down to that foundation on which to build.

Indianapolis Fitness and Sports Training

Indianapolis Fitness and Sports Training

KN: A thorough assessment really helps with both tracking a client’s results, as well as individualizing their programs. Can you talk about the importance of program individualization, both from “corrective” and goal standpoints?

MR: Absolutely!

The assessment is the cornerstone of our process. Without an assessment, I really don’t know how you write a program because you’re just guessing as to how a client moves, feels, etc.

Mike Robertson

So we use the assessment as a two-part process:

  1. To find out more about the client/athlete, including their specific training goals, and
  2. To determine what their weaknesses and/or limitations are, so that we can address that in their programming. In reality, this is what truly “corrective” exercise really is – determining and eradicating weaknesses/limitations, whatever they may be.

From there, it’s pretty simple – you develop a program that merges what you know they need, with what they want to get out of training.

KN: A lot of people tend to focus on the “stimulus” components of the training process and largely overlook the “recovery” components. How do you approach coaching recovery with your clients, and what are some things you think the majority of people are missing?

MR: I think just opening up the “recovery” conversation is a huge step forward in the athlete-coach relationship.

We start off with simple questions initially:

  1. How are you feeling today?
  2. How did you feel after the last workout?
  3. How’d you sleep last night?

In the beginning, it’s all about opening up the door to that conversation, and getting them thinking about recovery.

After you’ve started to lay that foundation, then you can get deeper into it, given the client is on board.

This could be tools such as tracking heart rate variability or resting heart rate. It could be something that you as a coach do, like a quick 2-3 questionnaire prior to their training on how motivated they are to train, how much they slept, quality of sleep, etc.

The bottom line is, this is the next step in the process. We’ve talked ad nauseum about training and nutrition, but recovery is the third pillar and we need to put more of a focus on it, especially in today’s society.

KN: You recently released your “The Bulletproof Athlete Project”, and I was fortunate to grab a copy of it right away. After reviewing it, I’ve been really impressed with how well you’ve been able to integrate all of the things you just discussed (individualizing correctives, effective programming for folks with different training goals, simple but extremely effective recovery strategies, etc.) into one cohesive package. For those that haven’t seen it, can you give a sneak peak into how it’s laid out, and how may benefit from it?

Mike Robertson's Bulletproof Athlete Project

Click here to save $50 this week only! >> Bulletproof Athlete Project

MR: Thanks Kevin. I think it’s pretty awesome, too, but I’m a little biased!

Here are a few goals I had when I created the product:

  1. To use a program that could be modified based on needs, goals, time available to train, etc.
  2. To focus not only on training, but nutrition and recovery,
  3. To develop a training foundation that users could build from going forward, and
  4. To develop a training program that was fun.

Now let’s go through each of those individually.

I laid out the first program, and quickly realized it wasn’t perfect (and definitely not for everyone). So what I did from that point was use that as a skeleton, and then created a shorter version for busy clients/athletes, and a longer version for people who had the time and energy to get full-on beastmode.

My next goal was to merge training, nutrition and recovery. Let’s be honest, training programs are a dime a dozen these days. But I can’t think of one single program out there that gives you a program, and teaches you how to eat more nutritiously and helps you improve recovery to boot.

Another key to the program was giving people a training foundation they can build from going forward. If you’re anything like me, you probably just jumped right into training with no real movement foundation. Couple that with little or no coaching, and it’s no wonder we have so many beat up clients in our gyms.

This program will break you down to build you up. It will give you the movement foundation you need to be successful going forward.

Last but not least, I hate my own training when it’s boring or monotonous. I grew up an athlete, playing every sport known to man. So when I go in the gym and train like an athlete, it’s just a heckuva lot more fun than any other type of training I can imagine.

So there was a ton of thought that went into all this, and I think it shows as BPA is a really creative and unique product.

KN: Mike, thanks again for taking the time to do this. I’ve learned a lot from you over the years, so it’s always great to get your perspective! Where can people learn more about you, IFAST, and The Bulletproof Athlete Project?

MR: Thanks a ton for having me Kevin. I’ve learned a thing or two from you as well, so don’t act so damn humble!

You can find out more about myself at RobertsonTrainingSystems.com, and more about IFAST at IFASTonline.com.

And if you’d like to learn more about the Bulletproof Athlete Project, please check it out ASAP as it’s on sale for $50 off this week only!

Mike Robertson's Bulletproof Athlete Project

Click here to save $50 this week only! >> Bulletproof Athlete Project

To your success,

Kevin Neeld

Please enter your first name and email below to sign up for my FREE Athletic Development and Hockey Training Newsletter!

Interval training has been a hot topic for the last several years, especially as the infamous “Tabata” protocol has reached the masses. The reality is that, just like every other piece of the training process, your conditioning should be specific to your needs. As a general statement, we’ve probably gone too far in the direction of “just do high intensity intervals”, overlooking the other methods that are more effective in certain situations.

Train Insane

“I don’t want to train insane. I want to train smart.” – Joel Jamieson

In this FINAL video, Mike asks Eric Oetter to dissect all the basics of conditioning. As always, it’s not just about working hard, it’s about working smart. Eric will show you how in this video, which includes:

  1. The lies you’ve been told about long, slow duration exercise – and why it’s actually very beneficial.
  2. Why high-intensity energy system training should only be done at certain times of the year.
  3. How smart energy system training can improve your sleep, help you relax, and feel more awesome each and every day.

If you watched the previous two videos in this series, you’ve picked up some amazing information on how to develop mobility, strength, and power. This may be the best of them all. In any game, and maybe more importantly, in any season, the athletes and teams that are able to perform at a high level consistently are the ones that are the most successful. A strategic plan to conditioning is the key to consistent high-level performance. Check out the video at the link below; you’ll be happy you did!

Watch the video now >>> Are You Doing Too Much Interval Training?

To your success,

Kevin Neeld

P.S. – This is your last chance to get all of Mike’s FREE videos. Click here to start improving your mobility, strength and conditioning NOW >>> 3 FREE Videos to Becoming a Bulletproof Athlete!

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There’s no denying the importance of developing strength and power for optimal sports performance. In fact, strength and power really create the foundation for speed, which is one of the key qualities that determines whether an athlete will be successful at any given level. Unfortunately, most training programs leave a lot to be desired and may be missing a few key ingredients that are preventing you from making the progress you’re after.

Fortunately, Mike Robertson is back with another webinar to fill you in on some of the training secrets to help you develop the strength and power that will distinguish you in your sport!

Watch the video now >>> The Truth About Strength and Power Training

A few of the highlights:

  1. How fighting your body to get stronger is actually making you weaker and more prone to injury.
  2. Why a poor training foundation has robbed you of strength and power – along with ways to fix it quickly!
  3. Exercise progressions and regressions to make sure you’re using the right exercises for you.
  4. Why everyone should be training power – whether you’re 18 or 85.

Mike Robertson Deadlift

This guy knows a thing or two about strength training!

In addition to hundreds of high school and college athletes in a wide range of sports, Mike has successfully trained powerlifters and Olympians, the two extremes of strength and power. If you want to take your strength and power to new levels, this is a must-watch video! As with his video on mobility, this one is 100% FREE, but will only be around for a couple days. Don’t miss it!

Watch the video now >>> The Truth About Strength and Power Training

To your success,

Kevin Neeld

Please enter your first name and email below to sign up for my FREE Athletic Development and Hockey Training Newsletter!

Last week I got an email that Mike Robertson, co-owner of Indianapolis Fitness and Sports Training (IFAST) with Bill Hartman and one of my go-to resources for new training information for the last 7 years, was releasing three free videos in anticipation of the release of his new program “The Bulletproof Athlete Project” (more on that to come soon). I’m a junkie for new information and when it’s 100% FREE, it’s that much better. Mike is an expert in mobility training, which is an important piece of EVERY training program we write for athletes and non-athletes alike.

Mike Robertson

The “mobility guy”

Watch the video now >>> Mobility Training for Improved Performance

In this video, Mike dives into:

  1. The three BEST methods for improving mobility from head to toe.
  2. A definition of what mobility really is (as well as what it isn’t!)
  3. Why mobility and stability are critical components of smart training, and why you need both do dominate in the gym or on the field.
  4. How improving mobility can help you get rid of aches and pains in your knees, back and shoulders.
  5. And most importantly how mobility training can help take your performance to the next level – whether that’s running fast, jumping high, or lifting heavy things for fun, Mike can help you out.

Unfortunately this video will only be up for the next couple of days. This is an amazing opportunity to learn from one of the world’s best for absolutely FREE. Take advantage of it! Check out the video at the link below!

Watch the video now >>> Mobility Training for Improved Performance

To your success,

Kevin Neeld

P.S. Establishing full mobility FIRST is the key to reaching peak levels of fitness and durability. Don’t miss this video! Mobility Training for Improved Performance

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