A couple weeks ago I announced the completion of the Ultimate Hockey Training Video Database. Since then, I’ve received a bunch of emails about accessing the database and about off-season training program design.

This is really an exciting time of year for me. As my friend Devan McConnell said, the hockey off-season is really the hockey strength and conditioning coach in-season. We’re currently training the Team Comcast U-18 team 4x/week through August, the two U-16 teams 3x/week through August, and the ’99s, ’00s, and ’01s will start up 2x/week in June and train through August. This is in addition to the dozens of junior, NCAA D1, and professional players we’ll have in the mornings everyday through August. A few of the junior kids have been in since February. Talk about maximizing your off-season! Needless to say, it’s been a busy few weeks assessing/testing everyone and designing programs.

Once players take a few weeks off and let their body recuperate a bit, the off-season provides a great opportunity to start restoring and improving different capacities (e.g. range of motion, movement quality, speed, power, strength, conditioning, etc.). The key to maximizing this time is to really understand where you want to be come pre-season and what you’re willing to do to get there. Finding a good strength and conditioning coach that understands how to coach movement well, how to design a quality training program, AND the demands of the game is extremely difficult, and will almost always require some degree of inconvenience, typically in the form of a longer drive (there isn’t a quality coach in every neighborhood) and increased costs (great coaches cost more money to work with).

Understanding Quality Programming

One of the biggest struggles players and families face in finding an off-season training program is being able to decipher quality from garbage. With seemingly knowledgeable people boasting the benefits of their programs, it can be difficult to sift through the hype and really see who knows what they’re talking about. In my opinion, a quality program should encompass:

  1. Some sort of initial assessment to identify structural limitations, range of motion/mobility impairments, movement quality, and basic performance capabilities. At Endeavor, we find resting heart rates, baseline heart rate variability, 12-site body fat calculations, assessments taken from the Functional Movement Screen, PRI, and traditional orthopedic tests, and a simple battery of performance tests to get an indication of their power, full body strength, muscular endurance, and repeat sprint ability. This is key to understanding the limiting factors in a player’s performance. For example, a player may not be able to maintain a low skating position because they: 1) Don’t possess the hip structure to squat any deeper than they are; 2) don’t possess sufficient strength to support their weight in this position; or 3) don’t have the local muscular endurance or conditioning necessary to maintain this position for any significant amount of time and pattern themselves into a higher position. A thorough assessment will shed light on the limiting factors to all components of performance.
  2. Different physical targets based on the individual’s stage of development. USA Hockey has done a great job outlining the windows during a youth player’s development where he/she is “sensitive” to developing specific qualities. Players at different age should have programs designed to emphasize different qualities (see image below).
  3. Progressive phases, each with their own emphasis. Once players cross the ~13 y/o age group, going through random workouts or “classes” isn’t likely to deliver the results the player is looking for. In general our off-season phases progress from: Work Capacity/Hypertrophy -> Hypertrophy/Strength -> Max Strength/High Load Power -> Low Load Power/Speed/Strength -> Conditioning/Speed/Power. Each phase is essentially tiered so that it has a primary emphasis, but also includes some work in other qualities to make the transition from each phase smooth. For example, the phase before we attack speed work, we’ll integrate a low volume of sprints so the player becomes accustomed to sprinting and has some time to work on technique before we really hit the gas. Planning progressions in this fashion is simply what S&C professionals refer to as “periodization” and is essential to hitting higher peaks in performance.
  4. An energizing training environment and positive culture. Finding a facility that isn’t shy with the music volume, and doesn’t ban chalk, Olympic lifts, and deadlifts will go a long way in improving the quality of the player’s training as well as the amount of fun they have in the process. Our players look forward to coming in over the Summer (at least most days!), in large part because they get to train alongside current/former teammates and friends, have some say as to what goes on the radio, and basically are placed in an environment where they can just get after it. This is one of the major downfalls of general member gyms; it’s tough to do 100lb farmer’s walks by some idiot in a tank top grunting while doing curls w/ 65lbs in the squat rack. Environment matters, and so does the culture. One of the things I love the most about Endeavor is that I’ve now had some of the same kids for 5 Summers; these guys know our system so well they are often proactive in teaching new players how to perform the exercises. It ends up being a great experience for both players and a huge help to us!

Long-Term Athletic Development-Sensitivity to Training

Developmental Sensitivity Periods

Naturally, the most important part of any off-season program is that it gets results. I know our corrective/mobility works because I remeasure players. After 1-2 phases of our program, most players (that need it) are adding 15-20 degrees of hip rotation arch in EACH hip. This is huge in maximizing their structural mobility, giving them the best opportunity to optimize their stride and avoid injury. We have a player preparing for the NHL combine here that has added 4.5″ to his vertical jump in two weeks. Another that has put on 12 lbs of muscle in 12 weeks. These are just a few examples of the early successes from our current off-season group, but provides supporting evidence that our programs are delivering the results our players are looking for.

If you’re interested in using one of our off-season hockey training programs for your own purposes, you just need to join the Ultimate Hockey Training Insider’s Section. Simply, it’s the most affordable way to follow a quality, proven training program if you can’t find/access a hockey training facility this off-season. To become an Insider, follow these steps:

  1. Purchase a copy of Ultimate Hockey Training
  2. Register to become an Insider here: Ultimate Hockey Training Insider

Ultimate Hockey Training-Membership Card Insider Small

Insider access is only available to those that have purchased Ultimate Hockey Training, as the book provides a ton of information that will help players get more out of their training, including exercise progressions and lateral substitutions so players can make exercise substitutions based on equipment availability without compromising the intention of the exercise. An Insider membership provides access to monthly training programs for players at each age group, the newly added 800+ exercise video database, and recommended equipment, all for a monthly cost of less than a decent lunch.

Follow the instructions above, and have the best off-season of your career!

To your success,

Kevin Neeld

Please enter your first name and email below to sign up for my FREE Athletic Development and Hockey Training Newsletter!

It’s been about a year and half since Ultimate Hockey Training was first released, and since that time I’ve gotten a lot of flattering feedback about the book. It’s humbling to think that UHT could positively impact hockey programs all over the world,  and I’m incredibly grateful for the continued support I receive from you and everyone that has purchased Ultimate Hockey Training.

Ultimate Hockey Training

As I’ve said in the past, I take feedback from my readers into serious consideration and am constantly thinking how I can evolve to offer better information, products, services, etc. I’m aware that, while some folks in the hockey community find the underlying theories, research, and general philosophy behind effective off-ice training intriguing, ultimately people are more interested in the “what” than the “why”. This was the major reason I created the “Ultimate Hockey Training Insider”, a membership section for UHT customers that wanted access to the programs I write for our programs at Endeavor. While I’m a firm believer in the power of program individualization AND being trained by a competent strength and conditioning coach with a good eye for movement, the reality is that there are far more kids/players that DO NOT have access to these services than those that do, and following a well-written program is infinitely better than falling into the typical trap of programs passed down from a bodybuilding culture.

I realize, however, that it can be difficult to follow along with some of our programs if the exercise names are foreign to you. Furthermore, it can be a bit of a guessing game knowing whether or not you’re performing the exercise correctly or not, as we tend to coach some exercises differently than what may be considered normal. Naturally, this has led to several people asking me if I had videos of the exercises. Believe it or not, I had actually thought of that preemptively, and had a professional videographer film ~350 exercises to be included with the book…only to find out that he was either too busy or too disinterested to complete the project, leaving me incredibly frustrated and you with no videos.

Fast forward to 6 months ago, David Lasnier, Matt Siniscalchi and I compiled a list of EVERY exercise we’ve used in a program (not just the ones I referenced in Ultimate Hockey Training), and forward to 2 months ago when Matt and I filmed 750+ exercises in a 4-day time period (our bodies are just now starting to recover!), followed by me editing and exporting all the videos, and Matt building the online database. Needless to say, this was a HUGE undertaking, and one that I will not likely ever take on again in the future, but I am extremely excited that it’s done, and now ready for you!

Introducing the Ultimate Hockey Training Exercise Database!

I’ve always viewed Ultimate Hockey Training not just as a hockey training book, but as an evolving illustration of my philosophy. The “Insiders” section, then, is essentially an early access pass to see how programs are changing over time. The video database provides an incredible tool for players, coaches, and S&C professionals to try new exercises, make parallel substitutions when certain pieces of equipment aren’t available, and ultimately to train more effectively. The database is divided into 9 sections, which are further subdivided into 39 categories:

  1. Self-Myofascial Release
    1. Foam Roll
    2. Lax Ball
  2. Dynamic Warm-Up/Mobility Exercises
    1. Dynamic Warm-Up
    2. Mobility Exercises
  3. Speed Training
    1. Linear
    2. Lateral
    3. Transitional
  4. Power Training
    1. Plyometrics
    2. Med Ball Throws
    3. Olympic Lifts
  5. Lower Body Strength
    1. Pulling
    2. Pushing
  6. Upper Body Strength
    1. Horizontal Pulling
    2. Horizontal Pushing
    3. Vertical Pulling
    4. Vertical Pushing
    5. Arms Pulling
    6. Arms Pushing
    7. Forearms
  7. Core Training
    1. Anterior Core
    2. Lateral Core
    3. Diagonal Core
    4. Rotational Core
    5. Diaphragm/Inner Core
    6. Anterior Hip
    7. Lateral Hip
    8. Medial Hip
    9. Posterior Hip
    10. Scap Work
    11. Rotator Cuff
    12. Neck
    13. Carries
  8. Conditioning
  9. Flexibility
    1. Lower Body Anterior
    2. Lower Body Medial
    3. Lower Body Posterior
    4. Upper Body Anterior
    5. Upper Body Posterior
    6. Combination
    7. Band-Assisted

Get more information on Ultimate Hockey Training and the exclusive Insider section here!
>> Ultimate Hockey Training

There are currently 756 exercises live in the exercise database of the Ultimate Hockey Training Insider membership section. We filmed another 50 the other day, including a lot of the corrective work we use. As we evolve our exercises, I’ll continue to build the database. I’ve also changed the layout of the site to make it easier for members to log-in and get quick access to the programs and videos.

With the off-season upon us, and new programs being continually added to the Insider section, this is the PERFECT time to grab a copy of the book and dive into the incredible collection of resources available exclusively to Ultimate Hockey Training Insiders!

Ultimate Hockey Training-Membership Card Insider Small

Get more information on Ultimate Hockey Training and the exclusive Insider section here!
>> Ultimate Hockey Training

To your success,

Kevin Neeld

Please enter your first name and email below to sign up for my FREE Athletic Development and Hockey Training Newsletter!

Ultimate Hockey Transformation Pro Package-small

Ultimate Hockey Transformation is the follow-up training program series to Ultimate Hockey Training, and features year-round hockey-specific off-ice training programs for players at the U-14 age level and above.  The Ultimate Hockey Transformation system includes:

  1. In- and off-season training programs for players at the U-14, U-16, U-18, and Junior/College levels totaling 120 weeks of programming!
  2. 228 high quality videos demonstrating how to perform every exercise in the program with perfect technique
  3. A 65-page manual outlining everything you need to know to successfully use the Ultimate Hockey Transformation system!
  4. Specific warm-ups, corrective exercise, and cooldowns to help you maximize your training preparedness and recovery
  5. A Performance Profiling Sheet so you can track your progress over time
  6. The UHT Recovery Monitoring Log so you can prevent overtraining before it occurs!

Simply, following the RIGHT training program can completely alter the course of your career. Propel your game to the next level by following training programs proven to deliver game-changing results!

Results backed by 100% Money Back Guarantee!

Today I’m excited to let you know that we have a guest post from my friend Maria Mountain. I’ve known Maria for a few years now and admire her work. In fact, her newsletter is one of the only ones that I’m still subscribed to and one of even a smaller list that I read every time! She was kind enough to offer some tips on goalie-specific training for you today. Enjoy!

Enter Maria…

This one is for the goalies and it focuses on post-to-post power, which is the key ingredient to speed.  I know it is often referred to as post-to-post speed but I think the term ‘power’ is better suited because it is typically a single effort.

There may be repeated efforts within a short time span but typically you are not scrambling back and forth between posts in succession (hopefully not anyway).

So when we talk about power we are talking about the rate of force production.  How quickly can you fire your muscles and direct force into the ice?  There are two ways you can improve your power 1) you can increase your strength 2) you can increase the rate of force production.

Today I am going to give you some exercises for both, but make sure you start with a good foundation of strength.

I do appreciate that not every lateral push in the crease is a maximum effort, but if we can increase your power capacity, then even when you are pushing side-to-side at 75% of your top speed, you will still be using a relatively lower percentage of your max effort.  Does that make sense?  In other words, by improving your post-to-post power you will be using less energy throughout most of the game, leaving more gas in the tank for those extended penalty kills.

The exercises in the video are not meant to be a workout unto itself; that would be overkill.  Instead, add one or two of the exercises to you regular workouts, twice per week.

The volume will stay low for these exercises because you are either trying to build strength or power, so you do not want to work to fatigue.  Here are some guidelines, but remember, these exercises should be added to your existing base of strength…

  1. ½ Kneeling Crease Push – 2-3 sets of 8 reps each
  2. Bottom Up Lateral Lunge – 2-3 sets of 4 reps each side
  3. Lunge Lateral + Lateral Bound – 2-3 sets of 3 each way
  4. Leap Frog Lateral Bound – 2-3 sets of 4 each side

Hope that helps – happy training.

For Kevin’s readers only! A free copy of the Goalie Stretch Solution – a follow along flexibility routine for hockey goalies and a complete dynamic warm-up so you are ready to play from the second the puck drops.  Just click HERE, register as a new user and get instant access for FREE.

Strength and conditioning coach Maria Mountain, MSc is the owner of Revolution Sport Conditioning in London, ON and the founder of www.HockeyTrainingPro.com.  Her training systems have helped athletes from recreational to Stanley Cup and Olympic Champions maximize their potential while reducing their risk if injury.

To your success,

Kevin Neeld

Please enter your first name and email below to sign up for my FREE Athletic Development and Hockey Training Newsletter!

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