If you missed the previous three articles in this series, check them out here:

  1. 25 Years, 25 Mistakes by Mike Boyle
  2. The Tao of Mike Boyle by Nate Green
  3. Assessing Credibility in the Internet Age

Today’s article presents an interesting view on the evolution that most “functional training” specialists undergo as they develop as professionals in the field. It’s interesting how accurate this progression often is. Check out the article and post your comments below!

Functional Strength Coach 4
Click here for more information on the release of Mike Boyle’s new Functional Strength Coach 4!

The Evolution of a Strength Coach by Mike Boyle
Functional Strength Coach 4

A few recent events have made me realize that all strength coaches will eventually evolve to the same place. Like many of us, I listen to and read a great deal from the internet. One trend that I have seen is that some of the previously “hard core” guys are gradually embracing the corrective exercise/ functional training side of the coin. This made me realize two things:

1. Why I think the way I do

2. Why others make fun of me

The reason I think the way I do and the reason lots of the “hardcore” guys make fun of me is because I am old. I am further along the evolutionary trail of the strength coach. You see, we all start at about the same place and we probably all end up at the same place. I just started my journey sooner. In fact I am in year 32 of my evolution. For me phase 1 of the Evolution of the Strength and Conditioning Coach, The Bodybuilder, was actually in the 1970’s. I saw Boyer Coe guest pose at a show in Connecticut and wanted to be the next Frank Zane. If you don’t know who those guys are, it’s OK. You are just too young.

The truth is almost all male strength coaches and personal trainers go through the evolutionary process listed below.

Stage 1- The Bodybuilder

Face it, we all started here. Maybe we wanted to get better at sports but what we really wanted in our teens was to look better for girls. To do this we picked up a muscle magazine, joined the local gym , copied the routines and began bodybuilding. The beauty of this stage is that we knew it all. We bombed and blitzed our way to success as Joe Weider looked on from the pages of Muscle and Fiction.

Stage 2- The Powerlifter

At the onset of stage two the bodybuilder realizes that the really strong guys in the gym don’t give him the time of day. In fact, the truly strong guys laugh at him in his tanktop as he admires his arms in the mirror. The young bodybuilder and future strength coach is determined to get some respect so he really works on his bench press to gain that respect. What he then realizes is that these strong guys don’t respect anyone with no legs and a big bench. The bodybuilder soon evolves to the powerlifter. As in stage one we still know it all but what we know is different. We realize that what we thought we knew in stage 1 was not quite as true as we thought. At this stage we never admit any mistakes though. Stage two last for 2-3 years or until the first major injury. In this time period you really fall in love with the weightroom. You become diligent about diet and not missing training days and you get stronger almost every week. Your training partners cheer you on. Your technique is not perfect but you are moving big weight. Usually in stage 2 you also decide to enter a meet. A meet is great reality therapy. Your 315 bench done in “all you” form with just a bit of an arch and bounce becomes a 275 pause bench. Your “parallel” squats suddenly expose your lack of knowledge of geometry. Usually you bomb in the squat in your first meet and resolve to return a much better lifter. In stage two you are at your most macho. You laugh at anyone doesn’t do back squats and deadlifts and you post frequently to internet forums. All posts mention how strong you are and usually some line that belittles those who don’t lift heavy iron.

Stage 3- The Injured Powerlifter

This stage begins with a bad back or a sore shoulder and usually lasts through one or two surgeries. Stage three is like denial in the substance abuse world. You realize that your days of lifting huge weights are coming to an end but you refuse to say it out loud. Your searches of the internet now focus on healing your wounds. You vow to make a comeback. Often, you have surgery and attempt to lift in a meet again. Like a guy repeatedly slamming his fingers in the car door, you can’t wait to get back under the bar.

You learn about ART, MAT and a bunch of other therapies that seem to have guys names. You also begin to sneak a few looks at books on injury prevention and heaven forbid, you begin to explore things like warm-up and mobility. At the end of the injured powerlifter stage you begin to apologize to those older and wiser that you made fun of and called names. You realize that much like your parents the guys you taunted on internet forums were just older and wiser.

Stage 4- The Functional Training Guy

Most of us end in stage four. Usually we have a few scars from our time in stage three putting off the inevitable. In stage four we realize that we can still train however, the days of trying to pick up the heaviest thing you can lift goes by. You become an innocent bystander watching car wrecks as you see the young guys move from stage 1 to stage 2. You try to warn them but they laugh at you and go into their chat rooms and make fun of you. All you can think of is “call me when you are fifty and we can talk”.

The truth is evolution and development are both inevitable. Young men will always want to impress young women. They will also, in a very primal way, want to impress other young men. We can only hope to speed the evolution and save people some pain. As you read this hopefully you will see yourself in one of these stages and intervene. Next time you get ready to “lay it on the line” ask yourself why.

– Mike Boyle
Functional Strength Coach 4

To your success,

Kevin Neeld

P.S. – Mike Boyle is releasing his new program, Functional Strength Coach 4 on Tuesday, April 24th. Functional Strength Coach 4 is Coach Boyle’s most up to date system cultivated from over 30 years of coaching everyone from general fitness clients to athletes ranging from junior high to All Stars in almost every major sport, that will guide you to better results with your athletes and clients. Click here to be the first to know about the all new Functional Strength Coach 4!

P.S.2. As always, I appreciate you forwarding this along to anyone you think will benefit from the info! You can use the social media dropdown menu at the top right hand corner to share it via Twitter and Facebook!

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If you missed the previous two articles in this series, check them out here:

  1. 25 Years, 25 Mistakes by Mike Boyle
  2. The Tao of Mike Boyle by Nate Green

Today’s article features an important topic that I’ve touched on in the past. The internet can be a valuable tool for pulling information, but you have to be careful about where the information is coming from! Check out the article and post your comments below.

Functional Strength Coach 4
Click here for more information on the release of Mike Boyle’s new Functional Strength Coach 4!

Assessing Credibility in the Internet Age by Mike Boyle
Functional Strength Coach 4

I wrote this over a year ago and have been a little hesitant to post it. A recent Strengthcoachblog.com post got me to sit down and finish this article. Tim Edgerton, a UK strength and conditioning coach, named me the most influential man is strength and conditioning the other day which was cool. However the rest of the list was at least half non-coaches. There were a bunch of academic NSCA types, a few internet marketers and a few coaches. As I said in my previous post, this made me think.

The “how to get rich on the internet” business is thriving in fitness and strength and conditioning. New products are launched every month. I’m sure many of you reading this are saying “ you have a paid website, you just did FSC 3.0, who are you to talk”? Legitimate questions. However, the fact is my website sells content. Good content, updated every week. I’m not simply picking up affiliate commissions for using my list to sell another program.

I’m actually a bit tired of internet marketing. It always seems to be similar guys selling similar products. The same resumes.

“__________ is one of the worlds most sought after experts in the field of strength and conditioning and ….”.

Next time you consider buying a product, ask yourself a few simple questions.

1- Is the seller actually one of the world’s most sought after experts in any area?

2- Does the seller make his or her living in the area in which they are selling a product or do they make their living selling the product? In Alwyn Cosgrove’s words “have they been there, done that and, are they still doing it?”

3- Has the seller ever made a consistent living actually coaching, training or helping people lose weight?

4- What does the seller do every day? Do they sit at a computer and write effective sales copy or do they work in the field?

5- Are they making money by telling you how to make money?

6- Did they ever make a substantial amount of money doing what they are selling?

7- Is their resume legitimate or have they inflated their qualifications and client list?

If you don’t know the answer, do a little searching and find out. You might be surprised at what you learn. I think there are a lot of Bernie Madoff’s in fitness. Look at the last name, Madoff. Like “made off” with your money? I may sound cynical but, I don’t want to bankroll some twenty five year old who just read Four Hour Workweek. Buying products is great. I have bought many and sold many. Just be sure when you buy that you are buying a product from a person who has done the work and succeeded.

– Mike Boyle
Functional Strength Coach 4

To your success,

Kevin Neeld

P.S. – Mike Boyle is releasing his new program, Functional Strength Coach 4 on Tuesday, April 24th. Functional Strength Coach 4 is Coach Boyle’s most up to date system cultivated from over 30 years of coaching everyone from general fitness clients to athletes ranging from junior high to All Stars in almost every major sport, that will guide you to better results with your athletes and clients. Click here to be the first to know about the all new Functional Strength Coach 4!

P.S.2. As always, I appreciate you forwarding this along to anyone you think will benefit from the info! You can use the social media dropdown menu at the top right hand corner to share it via Twitter and Facebook!

Please enter your first name and email below to sign up for my FREE Athletic Development and Hockey Training Newsletter!

If you missed yesterday’s article, check it out here: 25 Years, 25 Mistakes by Mike Boyle

Today’s article comes from an interview Nate Green did with Mike Boyle. Enjoy, and as always, please post your comments below!

Functional Strength Coach 4
Click here for more information on the release of Mike Boyle’s new Functional Strength Coach 4!

The Tao of Mike Boyle by Nate Green (Originally printed on TMUSCLE)

38 years of under-the-bar experience, the best exercises, and why back squats still suck.

“… Tao is often referred to as ‘the nameless’, because neither it nor its principles can ever be adequately expressed in words.”

Aw, what the hell, we’ll give it a shot.

No questions, no time limit, and no stone unturned. Training? Nutrition?

A little piss and vinegar? It’s all here.

The following is what happens when you get on the phone with a top-level strength and conditioning coach and hit “record.”

-Nate Green

Mike Boyle Speaks

• I might be the most criticized guy in this profession. If not, I’m certainly close.

• But I get results. We’ve had Olympians, national champions, professional athletes–you name it. All those guys come through our gym. And people think I don’t know what I’m talking about?

• When people come and watch my athletes train, they’re always surprised. They can’t believe they’re as strong as they are. They fully expect to come in and see the Richard Simmons show, like I’m going
to be wearing a jump suit and headband and making my athletes stand on Bosu balls.

• I’ve got girls doing chin-ups with a 45-pound plate around their waists. How many guys can do that?

• I’ve been lifting weights for 38 years. I started when I was 12 years old with a 110-pound set of barbells in my basement. I grew up on muscle magazines. They were my early education, you know? Man, I remember seeing Boyer Coe guest pose in 1979. Steve Reeves, Gladiator, Hercules…that stuff really got me into the lifestyle.

• People look at me and say, “He hasn’t been under the bar.” Yes, I have. And, frighteningly, I was pretty damn strong.

• Right now we’ve got training experts who don’t train anyone and strength coaches who’ve never competed in anything. Would you take business advice from someone who doesn’t have a business
or isn’t making any money?

• You have to keep training people to stay fresh. If you don’t keep learning, you’ll get to a point two years down the road where you won’t know what you’re doing any more.

• The better the athlete the more self-impressed you are. They learn everything so easily and you start to think it’s you. “I’m an awesome coach because I can get that guy to do exactly whatI want him to.” Listen, when you’re training a guy who’s projected in the first round, getting him into the first round isn’t a big accomplishment. That’s where he was supposed to go.

• Last year we had four guys make teams–three un-drafted free and one seventh-round pick–who all stuck with NFL teams this year. I was more proud of that than any other thing we’ve done.

• A lot of what people tell you isn’t true.

• First, I didn’t say the “people shouldn’t squat” thing to be controversial or sell DVDs. That clip was pulled directly from the DVD set by a marketing guy who watched the entire presentation and said,
“This is the hook.”

I had no idea how crazy the backlash was going to be. I even got some pretty harsh emails from some respectable people. Well, people I used to respect. Apparently they don’t have time to think.

Since then, I’ve had people forward me information about the bilateral deficit. All of a sudden, they’re saying, “You’re really right.”

• The bilateral deficit? Well, they’ve found, particularly as it relates to the lower body, that you’re clearly stronger when you train with one leg versus two.

Let’s say you’ve got a guy who can deadlift 300 pounds for reps, but can’t squat 400 pounds for reps. More often than not, he will be able to single-leg squat with 200 pounds on each leg for reps.
So what does that tell you? He’s at less risk because the load is lighter, but he’s getting more work out of each leg.

• The thing I always hear is, “Well, if they have weak backs, why don’t you just get their backs stronger?” Hold on. We’re not talking about having a weak back. We’re talking about the back
being a limiting factor. That’s very, very different. A guy who hang cleans 300 pounds doesn’t have a weak back. The simple fact is that when someone fails in the squat it’s not because they don’t have
any more juice in their legs. It’s because their back can’t handle the load.

• I wrote an article called “An Apology Letter to Personal Trainers. “I’ve been telling them how to do their job for years and never trained a single non-athlete. Over the past few years I’ve started to, and it’s hard work.

• I think personal training is much more difficult than working with athletes. We’ve got 2 hours per week to counteract the other 166 hours of the week. It’s not a good ratio to try and make changes.

• Still, some trainers just suck. Like the ones who just tell their clients to go for a walk. That’s the exercise equivalent of calling yourself a nutritionist and telling your starving client to go steal
sugar packets from Dunkin Donuts.

• Or the flipside, you have the Crossfit guys who are just going to shit kick you until you can’t move. That’s just as bad. We’ve got uneducated trainers who don’t challenge their clients and uneducated trainers who try to kill their clients.

• All the guys who get mad at me on the Internet, I just want to say, come talk to me when you’re 40.

• I have the huge value of hindsight. I was just like you. I was a meathead. I wanted big muscles and to be strong as hell. If my shoulders hurt after benching, I’d ice them, take Advil and bench again five days later. If my back hurt from deadlifting, well, my back is supposed to hurt from deadlifting, right? I came to realize over time that I was wrong.

• Take a look at all these guys with surgeries. It’s insane. How can they still be espousing the same principles when they’ve gone under the knife so much?

• Experience is wasted on the old.

• Everyone squats ass to grass? Where are they? I go to gyms and I don’t see them. When you live in the Internet world there are thousands of guys doing heavy squats ass to grass with no problems. Call me skeptical. By the way, I’d love to see all these guys “laying it on the line.”

• The best way to learn is to find someone who’s doing what you want to do, and read everything they write, watch everything they’ve put on DVD, and hopefully get to talk with them in person.

• The close-grip hang snatch is the best power movement you can do. But you have to do them with a clean grip to spare your shoulders. The only reason guys do it with a wide grip is to use more weight, since it decreases the distance the bar has to travel.

• Why from a hang instead of the floor? Size differences. Olympic lifting favors shorter people. Suddenly when you’re teaching the snatch to a football lineman, they have a hard time addressing
the bar on the floor. It’s also more practical to do it from the hang since it spares the back.

• I always take the original exercise and try it out. If it doesn’t work to my standards, I modify it. If that still doesn’t work, I drop it completely.

• If you’d have asked me a year ago I would have said the Turkish Get-up was a gimmick. Now I think it’s probably the best total-body core exercise you can do. And that’s part of the learning process!

• I can remember reading the early kettlebell stuff and being decidedly unimpressed. I had a million reasons why I didn’t like it. But then I started watching my athletes get up off the floor. Nearly every one of them did a Turkish Get-up without even knowing it. I think it’s a skill we lose as we age. Have you ever seen an old person try to get up off the floor? It’s very difficult for them. I think it’s an exercise everyone needs to be doing.

• The trap-bar deadlift is probably the best lower-body exercise. I think it’s clearly the best bilateral exercise, since you’re engaging your erectors and your traps much more than in a squat.

• Programming is an art. You can’t just mix a whole bunch of stuff together and expect it to taste good. That’s called shit soup.

• Everyone who foam rolls gets hooked on it, and everyone who doesn’t thinks it’s stupid. Do me a favor and spend seven dollars and buy a 12-inch foam roller. It’ll change your whole life.

• And another thing: stretching doesn’t have to take that long. You don’t need to go to a yoga class. Just stretch your major muscle groups like your hamstrings, groin, hip flexors, lasts, and pecs.
Shouldn’t take more than ten minutes. When you realize later on that all the injuries you’re going to get are because certain muscles get too tight or get knocked out of alignment, you’ll thank me.

• After you stretch, do some kind of dynamic warm-up and mobility. I remember watching old-time Olympic lifters warm up before their training session, but I had no idea what the hell they were doing. They’d roll their wrists around, drop down into a deep squat and rock from side to side. Now I know they were doing mobility work.

• After all the warm-up stuff you have strength. My only major rule here is that for every pushing exercise you should have a pulling exercise. It’ll shorten your workouts and save your shoulders. Same thing for your lower body. For every quad-dominant exercise, make sure you’re doing a hip-dominant exercise. Throw in some Turkish Get-ups and you have a decent strength program.

• I end all my sessions with conditioning. TMUSCLE readers aren’t doing enough of it, either. If you’re comfortable, or are doing long, slow cardio you can pretty much conclude it’s a waste of time. Any young, fit guy should finish his conditioning and have to lie on the floor thinking, “God, that was awful.”

• People should think and investigate more. Anthony Robbins has always said that success leaves clues. I’m a big believer in that. Whether I like or don’t like someone, I’m going to watch what they’re doing if they’re succeeding. I’m willing to say when I’m wrong.

• I’m searching for the perfect training program, the Holy Grail if you will. I can’t just suddenly stop searching.

• I’ve been there and done that. But the important thing is I’m still doing it.

– Mike Boyle
Functional Strength Coach 4

To your success,

Kevin Neeld

P.S. – Mike Boyle is releasing his new program, Functional Strength Coach 4 on Tuesday, April 24th. Functional Strength Coach 4 is Coach Boyle’s most up to date system cultivated from over 30 years of coaching everyone from general fitness clients to athletes ranging from junior high to All Stars in almost every major sport, that will guide you to better results with your athletes and clients. Click here to be the first to know about the all new Functional Strength Coach 4!

P.S.2. As always, I appreciate you forwarding this along to anyone you think will benefit from the info! You can use the social media dropdown menu at the top right hand corner to share it via Twitter and Facebook!

Please enter your first name and email below to sign up for my FREE Athletic Development and Hockey Training Newsletter!

I’m finally getting caught up from an exciting couple of weeks with the US Women’s National Team at the IIHF World Championships in Burlington, VT. To say my time spent with the program was a learning process would be a drastic under-statement. Sometime in the near future I’ll write up a recap of my experience to share with you.

In the meantime, I want to do something a little different and share some outstanding content from the coach that I’ve learned more from than any other person in the industry. Mike Boyle has had a heavy influence on my philosophy as a coach and has been a major mentor for me over the last 5 years. Aside from the fact that Coach Boyle has been in the industry for longer than I’ve been alive, he’s spent the entire duration of his experience constantly pursuing new information and testing different training methods in the interest of building a superior program. In other words, he doesn’t just rest on his laurels and assume he has it figured out.

Me and Coach Boyle at Perform Better in Chicago

His ability to change his mind, also known as “learning”, has drawn a lot of criticism. Interestingly, this criticism almost always comes from younger coaches with less experience that, for some reason, believe they have unique insight into what is in the best interest of Boyle’s athletes. As you’ll read in a few days, there is a profound difference between being an internet or “theoretical” expert, and being a real-world results expert. Often times, situation-specific perspective is lost in the argument. Over the next few days, I want to share a few of my favorite articles that Coach Boyle has written over the last few years. Please post your comments below, as I imagine these topics may stir up some great discussions!

25 Years, 25 Mistakes by Mike Boyle (originally printed on TMUSCLE)

Functional Strength Coach 4
Click here for more information on the release of Mike Boyle’s new Functional Strength Coach 4!
This year I’ll enter my twenty-fifth year as a strength and conditioning coach. Last month I watched Barbara Walters celebrate her thirtieth year with a special called “30 Mistakes in 30 Years.” I’m going to celebrate my twenty-fifth anniversary by telling you my top twenty-five mistakes. Hopefully I’ll save you some time, pain, and injury. Experience is a wonderful but impatient teacher. And unfortunately, our experiences in strength and conditioning sometimes hurt people besides us.Mistake #1: Knowing it all I love Oscar Wilde’s quote, “I’m much too old to know everything.” Omniscience is reserved for the young. As the old saying goes, you have one mouth and two ears for a reason. I’d take it a step further and say the ratio is four to one: two eyes, two ears, and one mouth.

To continue down the cliché road, how about this one: “It’s what you learn after you know it all that counts.” When I was young I had many answers and few questions. I knew the best way to do everything. Now that I’m older I’m not sure if I even know a good way to do anything.

Mistake #2: Not taking interns sooner

I was so smart that no one was smart enough to help me. (See mistake number one.) My productivity increased drastically when I began to take interns.

Note: Interns aren’t janitors, laundry workers, or slaves. They’re generally young people who look up to you and expect to learn. Take your responsibility seriously. Remember the golden rule.

Mistake #3: Not visiting other coaches

God, it seems everything goes back to number one! I was too busy running the perfect program to attempt to go learn from someone else. Plus, when you know it all, how much can you learn?

Find the good coaches or trainers in your area (or in any area you visit) and arrange to meet them or just watch them work. I often will just sit with a notebook and try to see what they do better than I do.

I can remember current San Francisco 49′ers strength and conditioning coach Johnny Parker allowing us to visit when he was with the New England Patriots and then asking us questions about what we saw and what we thought he could do better. Coach Parker is a humble man who always provided a great example of the type of coach and person I wanted to be.

Mistake #4: Putting square pegs in round holes

The bottom line is that not everyone is made to squat or to clean. I rarely squatted with my basketball players as many found squatting uncomfortable for their backs and knees.

It killed me to stop because the squat is a lift I fundamentally believed in, but athletes with long femurs will be poor squatters. It’s physics. It took me a while to realize that a good lift isn’t good for everybody.

Mistake #5: Not attending the United States Weightlifting Championships sooner

My only visit as a spectator to an Olympic lifting meet made me realize that Olympic lifts produced great athletes. I know this will piss off the powerlifters, but those Olympic lifters looked so much more athletic.

I remember being at the Senior’s when they were held in Massachusetts in the early eighties and walking away thinking, “This is what I want my athletes to look like.” Understand, at that time I was a competitive powerlifter and my programs reflected that.

Mistake #6: Being a strength coach

How can that be a mistake? Let’s look at the evolution of the job. When I started, I was often referred to as the “weight coach.” As the profession evolved, we became strength coaches, then strength and conditioning coaches, and today many refer to themselves as “performance enhancement specialists.”

All these names reflect the changes in our job. For too many years, I was a strength coach. Eventually I realized that I knew more about conditioning than the sport coaches did, so we took on that responsibility. Later, I realized that I often knew more about movement than the sport coaches too, so we began to teach movement skills. This process took close to eighteen of my twenty-five years. I wish it had been faster.

Mistake #7: Adding without subtracting

Over the years we’ve continued to add more and more CNS intensive training techniques to our arsenal. Squatting, Olympic lifting, sprinting, pulling sleds, and jumping all are (or can be) CNS intensive.

I think I do too much CNS intensive work, and intend to change that. My thanks go out to Jason Ferrugia for pointing out this one.

Mistake #8: Listening to track coaches

Please don’t get me wrong. Some of the people who were most influential in my professional development were track coaches. I learned volumes from guys like Don Chu, Vern Gambetta, Charlie Francis, and Brent McFarland.

However, it took me too long to realize that they coached people who ran upright almost all the time and never had to stop or to change direction. The old joke in track coaching is that it really comes down to “run fast and lean left.”

Mistake #9: Not meeting Mark Verstegen sooner

Mark may be the most misunderstood guy in our field. He’s a great coach and a better friend. About ten years ago a friend brought me a magazine article about Mark Verstegen. The article demonstrated some interesting drills that I’d never seen. I decided my next vacation would be to Florida’s Gulf Coast as Mark was then in Bradenton, Florida.

I was lucky enough to know Darryl Eto, a genius in his own right, who was a co-worker of Mark’s. In the small world category, Darryl’s college coach was the legendary Don Chu.

Darryl arranged for me to observe some training sessions in Bradenton. I sat fascinated for hours as I watched great young coaches work. Mark was one of the first to break out of the track mold we were all stuck in and teach lateral and multi-directional movement with the same skill that the track coaches taught linear movement. This process was a quantum leap for me and became a quantum leap for my athletes.

This was my step from strength and conditioning coach to performance enhancement specialist (although I never refer to myself as the latter). The key to this process was accepting the fact that Mark and his co-workers were far ahead of me in this critical area.

Mistake #10: Copying plyometric programs

This goes back to the track coach thing. I believe I injured a few athletes in my career by simply taking what I was told and attempting to do it with my athletes. I’ve since learned to filter information better, but the way I learned was through trial and error… and the error probably resulted in sore knees or sore backs for my athletes.

Track jumpers are unique and clearly are involved in track and field because they’re suited for it. What’s good for a long jumper is probably not good for a football lineman. It took me too long to realize this.

Mistake #11: Copying any programs

Luckily for me, I rarely copied strength programs when training my athletes. This mistake might be beyond the statute of limitations as it was more than twenty-five years ago.

I think copying the training programs of great powerlifters like George Frenn and Roger Estep left me with the sore back and bad shoulders I’ve carried around for the last twenty-five years. What works for the genetically gifted probably won’t work for the genetically average.

Mistake #12: Not teaching my athletes to snatch sooner

We’ve done snatches for probably the last seven or eight years. The snatch is a great lift that’s easier to learn than the clean and has greater athletic carryover. Take the time to try it and study it. You’ll thank me.

Mistake #13: Starting to teach snatches with a snatch grip

When I realized that snatches would be a great lift for my athletes I began to implement them into my programs. Within a week some athletes complained of shoulder pain. In two weeks, so many complained that I took snatches out of the program. It wasn’t until I revisited the snatch with a clean grip that I truly began to see the benefits.

Just remember, the only reason Olympic lifters use a wide snatch grip is so that they can reduce the distance the bar travels and as a result lift more weight. Close-grip snatches markedly decrease the external rotation component and also increase the distance traveled. The result is a better lift, but less weight.

Mistake #14: Confusing disagree with dislike

I think it’s great to disagree. The field would be boring if we all agreed. What I realize now is that I’ve met very few people in this field I don’t like and many I disagree with. I probably enjoy life more now that I don’t feel compelled to ignore those who don’t agree with me.

Mistake #15: Confusing reading with believing

This concept came to me by way of strength coach Martin Rooney. It’s great to read. We just need to remember that in spite of the best efforts of editors, what we read may not always be true.

If the book is more than two years old, there’s a good chance even the author no longer agrees with all the information in it. Read often, but read analytically.

Mistake #16: Listening to paid experts

Early on, many of us were duped by the people from companies like Cybex or Nautilus. Their experts proclaimed their systems to be the future, but now the cam and isokinetics are the past. Just as in any other field, people will say things for money.

Mistake #17: Not attending one seminar per year just as a participant

I speak approximately twenty times a year. Most times I stay and listen to the other speakers. If you don’t do continuing education, start. If you work in the continuing education field, go to at least one seminar given by an expert in your field as a participant.

(Note: Mistakes 18-25 are more personal than professional, but keep reading!)

Mistake #18: Not taking enough vacation time

When I first worked at Boston University we were allowed two weeks paid vacation. For the first ten years I never took more than one.

Usually I took off the week between Christmas and New Years. This is an expensive week to vacation, but it meant that I’d miss the least number of workouts since most of my athletes were home at this time. I think the first time I took a week off in the summer was about four years ago. My rationale? Summer is peak training time. Can’t miss one of those weeks.

I think there’s a thin line between dedication and stupidity, and I often crossed it. I think in my early years I was more disappointed that the whole program hadn’t collapsed during any of my brief absences. I felt less valuable when I returned from a seminar and realized that everything had gone great.

Stephen Covey refers to it as “sharpening the saw.” Take the time to vacation. You’ll be better for it.

Mistake #19: Neglecting your own health

This is an embarrassing story, but this article is all about helping others to not repeat my errors. Every year in February I’d find myself in the doctor’s office with a different complaint: gastro-intestinal problems, headaches, flu-type illnesses, etc. I had a wonderful general practitioner who took a great interest in his patients. His response year after year was the same: slow down. You can’t work 60-80 hours a week and be healthy.

Like a fool I yessed him to death and went back to my schedule. After about the fifth year of this process my doctor said, “I need to refer you to a specialist who can help you with this problem” and he handed me a card. I was expecting an allergist or perhaps some type of holistic stress expert. Instead I found myself holding a card for a psychiatrist.

My doctor’s response was simple. I can’t help you. You need to figure out why you continue to do this to yourself year in and year out. I went outside and called my wife. I told her it was a “good news-bad news” scenario. I wasn’t seriously ill, but I might be crazy. Unfortunately, she already knew this.

Mistake #20: Not recognizing stress

Again I remember talking to a nurse who was treating me for a gastrointestinal problem. I seemed to have chronic heartburn. Her first question was, “Are you under any stress?” My response was the usual. Me? Stress? I have the greatest job in the world. I love going to work every day!

Do you know what her response was? She said, “Remember, stress isn’t always negative.” It was the first time I’d really thought about that. My job was stressful. Long days, weekend travel, too many late nights celebrating victories or drowning sorrows. A part-time job to make extra money meant working at a bar on Friday and Saturday until 2 AM, and that was often followed by drinks until 4 AM.

Sounds like fun, but it added up to stress. The lesson: stress doesn’t have to be negative. Stress can just be from volume.

Mistake #21: Not having kids sooner

As a typical type-A asshole know-it-all, I was way too busy to be bothered with kids. They would simply be little people who got in the way of my plans to change the world of strength and conditioning. I regret that I probably won’t live to 100. If I did I’d get to spend another 53 years with my kids.

Mistake #22: Neglecting my wife

See above. It wasn’t until I had children that I truly realized how my obsession with work caused me to neglect my wife. I have often apologized to her, but probably not often enough.

Mistake #23: Not taking naps

Do you see the pattern here? Whether we’re personal trainers or strength and conditioning coaches, the badge of honor is often lack of sleep. How often have you heard someone say, “I only need five hours a night!”

In the last few years I’ve tried to take a nap every day I’m able. As we age we sleep less at night and get up earlier. I’m not sure if this is a good thing. I know when I’m well-rested I’m a better husband and father than when I’m exhausted at the end of a day that might have begun at 4:45 AM.

There’s no shame in sleep, although I think many would try to make us believe there is.

Mistake #24: Not giving enough to charity

Most of us are lucky. Try to think of those who have less than you. I’m not a religious person, but I’ve been blessed with a great life. I try every day to “pay it forward.” If you haven’t seen the movie, rent it. The more you give, the more you get.

Mistake #25: Reading an article like this and thinking it doesn’t apply to you

Trust me, denial is our biggest problem.

To your success,

Kevin Neeld

P.S. – Mike Boyle is releasing his new program, Functional Strength Coach 4 on Tuesday, April 24th. Functional Strength Coach 4 is Coach Boyle’s most up to date system cultivated from over 30 years of coaching everyone from general fitness clients to athletes ranging from junior high to All Stars in almost every major sport, that will guide you to better results with your athletes and clients. Click here to be the first to know about the all new Functional Strength Coach 4!

P.S.2. As always, I appreciate you forwarding this along to anyone you think will benefit from the info! You can use the social media dropdown menu at the top right hand corner to share it via Twitter and Facebook!

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This is the 3rd and final segment of our “Youth Hockey Training Blueprint” series. Make sure you check out Part 1 and Part 2 if you haven’t already!

Building the Training Session

The primary training purposes at each level can also be used to construct a training session template. Templates are helpful in dictating the flow of the training session. It is often the case that the facility is (or should be) set up so that athletes move from one area to the other. Especially with relatively large groups and overlapping training schedules, it’s important that suboptimal space is used efficiently. Using a training template that is designed using a logical progression through physical qualities (e.g. power before conditioning) and driving the flow through the session is a great starting place. It also provides a means of replacing exercises if equipment is not available. For example, if “C1” on a program is a suspended row, and the suspended row handles are unavailable, you can return back to the template, which would read either “Upper Body Pull” or “Horizontal Pull” and swap it out for a similar exercise. Similarly, understanding the intended physical quality or pattern will help make it that much easier for a coach to instantaneously regress or progress an exercise based on an individual player’s needs.

In our case, we utilized the following templates:

GROUP A (’02’00)


  1. Dynamic Warm-Up
  2. Sprint
  3. Jump
  4. Basic Movement
  5. Reactive Game
  6. Basic Core
  7. Stretch

GROUP B (’99-’97)


  1. Foam Roll
  2. Static Stretch
  3. Dynamic Warm-Up
  4. LB Push
    1. Pair UB Pull
    2. Pair Glute
  5. LB Pull
    1. Pair UB Push
    2. Pair Core

GROUP C (16U-18U)


  1. Foam Roll
  2. Static Stretch
  3. Dynamic Warm-Up
  4. Olympic Lift (Day 1)/Jump (Day 2)
    1. Pair Mobility
    2. Pair Glute
  5. LB Push (Day 1)/Olympic Lift (Day 2)
    1. Pair UB Pull
    2. Pair Core
  6. LB Pull
    1. Pair UB Push
    2. Pair Core

In each case, the template can be justified by or directly related to the primary purposes for the given group.

Periodization Models

In the purest sense, training periodization refers to the purposeful alteration of the imposed stresses to the body. Periodization is necessary to optimize both development and recovery. While there are several periodization models out there, most have been designed in the interest of helping extremely well-trained “elite” athletes continue to break plateaus. In other words, they’re largely irrelevant when it comes to training youth hockey players with minimal training backgrounds.  In general, the periodization model we follow can be described as “emphasized concurrent” as multiple physical qualities are trained simultaneously, with either linear or undulating progressions depending on the level. Describing the program as fitting a particular model can be misleading as the program may seemingly focus on only one quality (e.g. strength), but in reality considers the other qualities emphasized on the ice (e.g. speed, conditioning, etc.). If you’re not familiar with the terminology, don’t let it confuse you. The important considerations are:

  1. Group A: This group essentially has no formal training background. Volume increases in power and strength exercises will progress slowly, but for the most part progression will come in the form of selecting more advanced exercises and gaining proficiency in basic patterns via repetition.
  2. Group B: This group is learning new resistance training exercises, so will initially benefit from increased repetition from week to week (linear progression). Once basic exercises are mastered, altering the set and rep schemes on a week-to-week basis (undulating progression) may be a more suitable means of optimizing development in hypertrophy and strength.
  3. Group C: This group should have the basics mastered and is adequately prepared for an undulating progression system.

In both Group B and Group C, each 4-week phase alternates between having a slightly greater volume (e.g. accumulation phase) and intensity emphasis (e.g. intensification phase).


An underlying goal of training at each level is to prepare the player to meet the expectations at the next level. Younger players need to master the process and body weight exercises before moving on to external resistance. The middle group needs internalize the importance of warming up and develop proficiency at the basic lifts before progressing to more advanced exercises. The older group will be well-prepared for the rigors of a long junior season and/or the expectations of a collegiate strength and conditioning program after spending a year or two following a comprehensive program that includes a significant amount of practice in more advanced exercises (e.g. single-leg variations, Olympic lifts, etc.).

At all levels, it’s important to recognize the stresses the players face while playing. In most cases, the physical qualities that are emphasized most on the ice do not need to be a large emphasis off the ice. In fact, typically specific precautions need to be taken to facilitate recovery from these stresses and restore structural balance. This is especially true as players progress through the levels and accumulate more wear and tear. More than anything else, it’s important that players are taught PROPER movement and positioning. Remember, it’s important to move well before moving quickly or often.

If you’re looking for other quality off-ice hockey training information (tips through articles, sample training programs used by NHL players, unique exercise videos, comprehensive webinars, and an open forum to have training experts answer your personal questions) from some of the world’s leaders in off-ice hockey development, check out HockeyStrengthandConditioning.com! You can get instant access to all of the information for 7-days for only $1!

Click here for more information: Hockey Strength and Conditioning

To your success,

Kevin Neeld

P.S. Don’t forget to check out Hockey Strength and Conditioning for more great hockey training tips!

P.S.2. As always, I appreciate you forwarding this along to anyone you think will benefit from the info! You can use the social media dropdown menu at the top right hand corner to share it via Twitter and Facebook!

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